Development of the Hydro Optimization Management System at Alabama Power Company
Alabama Power Company is an electric utility serving most of Alabama with a generation mix of 65% coal, 18% nuclear, and 17% hydro. A total of 1682 MW hydro generation comes from 14 plants...

Computer-Aided Negotiation of Water Resources Issues in California's Central Valley Project
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation operates the Central Valley Project (CVP) in California. The CVP is a large system of streams, reservoirs and canals in California's Sacramento and San Joaquin...

Computerized Resource Planning for the Central Valley Project, California
The Central Valley Project (CVP) consists of nine reservoirs and ten powerplants owned and operated by the United States Government. On an average water year basis, the CVP, with a maximum...

Computer Simulation of CVP Power Production for Integration With PG&E's Power System
The Central Valley Project (CVP) has an installed hydropower capacity of over 1800 MW. The project facilities and its preference power customers lie dispersed within the service territory...

California's Adaptable Model for Operations Planning for the State Water Project
Operations of the California Aqueduct, a 440-mile-long feature of the State Water Project (SWP) consisting of canals, pipelines, reservoirs and hydroelectric plants, are planned using...

An Emerging Application of Microcomputers in Water Control
Plans being developed at the Corps' Hydrologic Engineering Center propose a gradual transfer of water control support from minicomputers to a network of microcomputer workstations....

Role of Data Management in Water Control
The success of a system of software that must provide the water control user with current information, model analysis results, and forecasts of future behavior, is closely associated with...

Optimal Management of Multi-Purpose Reservoirs in a Hydro-Thermal Power System
Proper management of multi-purpose hydro systems requires to take into account the largely stochastic nature of water inflows, electric loads, and water demands, as well as the often conflicting...

Risk Management of the Ottawa River System
The Ottawa River System is a large-scale and complex system comprising 30 major reservoirs and 43 generating stations and has a long history of flooding that extends throughout the basin....

Heuristics and Network Flow Algorithms for Multireservoir System Regulation
A generalized model employing a network flow algorithm and a heuristic database is being tested on the Qu'Appelle River basin in Canada. The heuristic database consisting...

Optimal Operational Analysis of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District is currently investigating the feasibility of constructing a major water storage project on the mainstem of the Poudre River for water...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

Hydrologic and Institutional Water Availability
A simulation study was performed to evaluate the amount of water which can be supplied by a system of 12 reservoirs located in the Brazos River Basin. The generalized computer models HEC-3...

Water Quality Management During Low-Flow Periods: A Systems Analysis Approach
Water quality objectives may require water managers to consider deviations from original project purposes to provide downstream water quality maintenance during low-flow periods. The decision...

Meeting Environmental Commitments at Power Plants Using Real-Time Reservoir Scheduling
This paper describes two different real-time modeling systems that determine if scheduled hydro releases will affect meeting environmental commitments. The modeling system for John Sevier...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

The State of the Art in Sediment Transport Modelling
The physical understanding and mathematical modelling of the water and sediment motion in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters have made much progress in recent years by various research...

100 Years of Sedimentation Study by the USGS
On January 15, 1889, the U.S. Geological Survey began collecting sediment data on the Rio Grande at Embudo, New Mexico. During the past 100 years the U.S. Geological Survey's...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Daily Suspended Sediment Model for Water Resources Management
A daily model of streamflow and suspended sediment (SS) concentrations has been developed to analyze daily suspended sediment records from tributary basins. The model provides a method...





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