Use of Geogrids on Soft Deposits
The construction of highway embankments over soft and waste deposits required the use of geogrids as an economical alternate to conventional methods of 'remove and replace'....

Waste Geotechnics and Geosynthetics
The geotechnology related to waste management focuses around assessing the movement of water and pollutant transport, containment of the pollutant so that it is unable to pollute the underground...

Design of a Lined Landfill on Compressible Clays
In mid-August, 1989, a 500,000m3 landslide occurred at a commercially operated landfill in central Maine. The landslide material consisted of municipal...

Geocomposite Waste Cell Capping System for Steep Slopes
Several geosynthetics manufacturers have developed new products with high surface friction characteristics for capping steep slopes. One such product has been developed that will satisfy...

Geocomposites Simplify Methane Barrier/Venting System Design
A case history describing the use of a geomembrane and geocomposite to simplify the design of a combined subsurface barrier and venting system is presented. The passive barrier and venting...

Site Assessments
The 1986 Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) established an innocent purchaser defense applicable if a new owner conducts appropriate inspection and appropriate inquiry...

The Dredging Dilemma
Disposal of dredge materials is becoming a national environmental problem. Disposal sites on land are becoming extremely scarce and environmental objections growing. There are also objections...

Instrumenting for Eternity (Almost)
Prendergast describes the safety features and instrumentation for a low level radioactive waste disposal facility planned for Illinois. Federal law requires that each state or group of...

The New Geotech: Geoenvironmental Engineering
Technical, societal and business forces will continue to dictate the course of professional practice throughout the 1990s. The author's firm, begun in 1965 to practice soil...

Cleaning Up: The Second Decade
Endless media coverage and a high level of public anxiety make it seem as though the U.S. has been attempting to clean toxic waste sites for decades. In fact, the 1980s were our first...

Strategic Sanitation Planning
Conventional sewerage has generally been the only method considered for human waste and wastewater disposal in urban areas, both in developed and developing countries. In developing countries,...

Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems
By incorporating special environments for methane fermentation and photosynthetic oxygenation, advanced integrated ponding systems attain high degrees of primary and secondary treatment...

The Impact of Agricultural and Industrial Development on the Water Quality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Agricultural and Industrial development are having a serious negative impact upon the quality of water resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. The continuing demographic explosion...

Heavy Metals Sources and Waste Minimization for a POTW
This paper presents a summary of recent studies conducted to minimize heavy metals discharged to a South San Francisco Bay Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The studies identified...

Alternative Technologies for Waste Minimization
The recently enacted waste minimization legislation, SB 14 (Roberti) places an additional regulatory burden on manufacturers in the Bay Area. The requirement for waste minimization plans...

Environmental Engineering
This proceedings was presented at the Environmental Engineering 1990 Specialty Conference sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Waste Containment Systems
Construction, Regulation, and Performance
This proceedings consists of papers presented at a symposium on waste containment systems at the ASCE Convention in San Francisco, California on November 6th and 7th, 1990. Geotechnical...

Coal Gas Legacy
The remains of a former coal gasiication plant were uncovered during redevelopment of a site for the new City Hall in Waterloo, Ont. The coal tar waste was a dense, immiscible tarry fluid...

What's Wrong With Superfund
In nine years of the federal government's Superfund program, $4 billion has been spent and only 38 of the 1,175 sites on the national priority list have been cleaned. There...

The Challenge of Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain is the most likely site for the nation's high level nuclear wastes. Congress chose the site out of three candidates for further study before designating it...





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