RCRA Compliance During Remediation of Waste Sites
The author discusses the impact of the proposed National Contingency Plan revisions of February 1985, which require that remedies under Superfund must attain or exceed applicable or relevant...

Carcinogen Risk Assessment
The various approaches to assessing carcinogen risk are described and evaluated....

Chemicals in the Environment: An Approach to Estimate Magnitude of Risk
This paper provides an overview of application of toxicological procedures to estimate health risks posed by hazardous materials in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on information...

Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments
All major dams and impoundments are usually analyzed to determine the magnitude and location of seepage that can occur under, around or through the structure. More often than not, seepage...

Institutional Incentives and Disincentives for Water Recycling and Reuse in the United States
A complex set of legislative/regulatory, technological, water conservation, and economic factors operate to affect the degree of industrial wastewater reuse/recycle in the United States....

Interbasin Transfers of Water in Ogallala States
Water rights to enable a major interbasin transfer can be obtained either through an initial appropriation or by acquiring an existing water right. All unappropriated surface water in...

Proposal for Funding Water Conservation Programs
Programs have been identified which appear to have the potential to conserve significant amounts of water within a large irrigated agricultural area. Losses such as canal seepage, operational...

Optimization of Irrigation Distribution System Operation
The initial phases of the Federal Central Arizona Project (CAP) are nearing completion and in the latter part of this year the long-awaited delivery of Colorado River water will become...

Groundwater Management Districts in Kansas
This paper deals with the management of groundwater in Kansas through the statutory mechanism of the groundwater management district (called a GMD in this paper). A description of the...

Texas Ground Water Law
Groundwater in Texas is generally considered the property of the surface owner, subject to the rule of capture. This English common law standard was developed at a time when the movement...

The Balancing Act of Preparing Coastal Management Plans
There are some basic principles that should be recognised by those persons involved in preparing coastal management plans. Within the context of coastal management in South Australia,...

Coastal Wetland Restoration ? Developers Challenge
National policy asks protection of wetlands regardless of condition and with no provision to return them to functional condition. Neither state nor federal agencies budget for capital...

The Role of Nonprofits in Coastal Conservation
The California State Coastal Conservancy's Nonprofit Organization Assistance Program is a unique vehicle through which private land trusts and other nonprofits have become...

The Conservancy Concept
During the last nine years in California, the only significant new initiatives in regional land use management have been the creation of Conservancies. With the creation of the Coastal...

Achieving a Truly Accessible Urban Waterfront
In some states or regions public access to the shoreline can be mandated through a Commission created by Legislation, as in the San Francisco Bay. This situation, however, is not the norm....

Attitudes of Decision Makers in the Great Lake States Regarding Large-Scale Diversions
The issue of diversion has motivated leaders in the Great Lake states to hold conferences, sign resolutions, and create a task force to discuss the ways in which the region can prohibit...

Radioactivity in the Ocean: Laws and Biological Effects
This paper summarizes the literature on U. S. laws and international agreements, experimental and monitoring data, and ongoing studies to provide background information for environmental...

Local Government Implementation of Chesapeake Bay Protection
The 1984 session of the Maryland General Assembly concluded with the passage of a legislative package on the Chesapeake Bay. One of the cornerstones of the package is the Critical Areas...

The Failure of Section 312 of the CZMA
Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended, provides for a continuing evaluation of a state's Coastal Zone Management Program. This paper reviews the history and evolution of...

Coastal Advisory Committees?Making Them Tick
This paper deals with the positive results of public participation in Coastal Zone Management in Florida since 1981 through the orderly method of a State Citizens Advisory Committee. Florida...





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