Future Shock for Farmers
An expert panel of water and agricultural practices specialists met and predicted how the nation should and might deal with problems associated with nonpoint pollution sources, especially...

Chemigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Chemigation with sprinkler irrigation systems is widely used throughout the United States. One potential environmental hazard of this practice is the point source water contamination due...

Advanced Chemigation Systems for Environmental Safety and Groundwater Protection
A multifunction irrigation system has been developed which utilizes a separate dynamic in-canopy nozzle system for chemical application. Testing the system with a lithium tracer on four...

Potassium Fertigation in Drip Irrigated Peppers in Puerto Rico
Three potassium fertigation rates (T1 = 100%, T2 = 60%, T3 = 30%) via trickle irrigation, fertilization rates (T4 = 100%, S1 = 100%, S2 = 50%, S3 = 0.0) and nonfertilization (T5 = 0.0)...

Nebraska's Special Protection Area Program
The designation of a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the program allows the state and local natural resources districts to move from the voluntary to the regulatory arena in addressing...

The Economic Feasibility of Using Ethanol to Accelerate Groundwater Denitrification
A substantial buildup of nitrate in the groundwater of the eastern Sandhills region of Nebraska is projected by some planners. A groundwater carbon source such as ethanol promotes denitrification,...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...

Effects of Oil Spills on Water Retention in Sandy Soils
This paper concerns the relationships between water and oil saturations in sandy soils. Special attention is given to an environment similar to the groundwater table and the capillary...

Variability of Copper in the International Reach of the Similkameen River, British Columbia
All total copper concentrations measured in soft water during spring freshets were above the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. Approximately 57% of all 108 observations over the three-year...

Trickle Irrigation of Peppers in Eastern Canada
A field study was conducted in Southern Quebec to determine the response of bell pepper plants to four irrigation treatments combined with three nitrogen fertilizer rates. The amount of...

Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Impacts on Ground-Water Quality
The effect of irrigation management and nitrogen management on ground-water quality has been evaluated for four years on a sandy loam Coastal Plain soil. Nitrogen sidedressing and fertigation...

Modeling Irrigation and Nitrogen Management
Irrigation increases the potential for nitrate accumulation in the groundwater in two ways. It increases the water content in the root zone creating a greater potential for leaching. Two...

Water and Nitrogen Management Practices in the Central Platte Valley of Nebraska
Contamination of groundwater by nitrogen leached from fertilizer on irrigated soils is related to the quantity of nitrate present, the leaching potential based on soil texture and percent...

Economic Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives for Nitrate-Contaminated Water Supplies
This paper discusses the economic feasibility of removing nitrates from water supplies. Potential nitrate treatment methods include ion exchange, reverse osmosis, bio-denitrification,...

Sorption and Transport of Aldicarb Through the Vadose Zone
The literature was reviewed regarding the sorption and transport of a nonionic organic pesticide aldicarb, an extremely toxic and relatively water soluble carbamate insecticide that has...

Preliminary Results of the Department of the Interior's Irrigation Drainage Studies
The Department of the Interior, in 1986, began irrigation drainage studies in nine areas in seven Western states to determine whether irrigation drainage has caused or has the potential...

Selenium in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Wyoming
Elevated concentrations of selenium in water, bottom sediment, and biota were noted during a reconnaissance investigation of the Kendrick Reclamation Project in central Wyoming. Dissolved-selenium...

Irrigation Drainage: Green River Basin, Utah
A reconnaissance of wildlife areas in the middle Green River basin of Utah during 1986-87 determined that concentrations of selenium in water and biological tissues were potentially harmful...

Geohydrologic Aspects of Water-Quality Problems of the San Joaquin Valley, California
Salinity and selenium concentrations in shallow ground water of the western San Joaquin Valley, California, are related to the geomorphology and hydrology of the alluvial fans. High salinity...

The Role of Social Sciences in the Management of Surface Water Quality in the United States
This survey paper concentrates on what social science has to say about surface water quality management. Some comments are also made on the historical development of these analytical capabilities....





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