Measuring Benefits of Water Supply Projects
Various approaches are used to determine the value of water supply projects. Deterministic methods will lead to biased valuation of additional supplies of water. Calculation of risk premium...

Some Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change for the Delaware River Basin
To gain insight into possible impacts of climate change on water availability in the Delaware River, two models are linked. The first model is a monthly water balance model that converts...

Predicting Effects of Global Climate Change on Reservoir Water Quality and Fish Habitat
This paper demonstrates the use of general circulation models (GCMs) for assessing global climate change effects on reservoir water quality and illustrates that general conclusions about...

Non-Point Source Contamination of Aquifers
The paper discusses a new method for simulating the movement of contaminants from a diffuse source at the soil surface through a variably-saturated porous medium. The method accounts for...

Modeling Groundwater Flow in San Joaquin Valley
Water supply, reallocation and conjunctive use options, within the San Joaquin and Tulare basins of the Central Valley of California, are being considered by Federal and State Planning...

Groundwater Modeling of the Tustin/Irvine Basin
This paper describes the results of groundwater modeling in the Tustin/Irvine basin situated in the southeastern portion of the Tustin plain, which is the the southern extension of the...

Design of Sampling Networks for Water Table Monitoring
In the application to the monitoring of water tables the presence of temporal and spatial dependence is of crucial importance. Often the network will be used to collect data to estimate...

Analysis of Uncertainty in Ground-Water Quality Monitoring Network Design
The paper reviews alternative approaches to ground-water quality monitoring network design. Four general approaches to network design are reviewed: (1) hydrogeologic, (2) simulation, (3)...

Identification of Aquifer Parameters in Confined Groundwater Flow
The logarithm of the aquifer properties, log transmissivity (log T) and log storativity (log S), are regarded as realizations of stochastic processes whose estimates are required. The...

Optimization of a Groundwater Well Monitoring Network
An optimization model is presented for the design of a well monitoring network for groundwater quality and quantity parameters. The model utilizes a geostatistical procedure to estimate...

Modeling Volatile Organic Transport with Vapor Sorption
A flexible finite element simulation model is developed to predict the movement of volatile organic compounds in variably saturated subsurface regions. The model incorporates both the...

Groundwater Quality Network Design
This paper presents a methodology that uses optimization for designing a groundwater monitoring network. The methodology incorporates parameter estimation in conjunction with a numerical...

An Economic Evaluation of Property Rights to Groundwater Resources in the State of Texas
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the basis for determination of property rights to groundwater in Texas, and to consider the implications of existing groundwater legislation...

Conjunctive Management of the Edwards Aquifer and Connected Surface Streams in South Central Texas
The Edwards Aquifer is a long, narrow conduit through which water moves underground across parts of South Central Texas. Increased use of water from the Edwards Aquifer has been substantial...

Analysis of Groundwater Quality: A Database Application for the Nassau County, NY, Water Management Plan
Nassau County, Long Island, New York is presently developing a Comprehensive Water Management Plan. To determine the extent and trends in nitrate contamination of the groundwater, a preliminary...

Numerical Model Study of Groundwater Movement in an Aquifer of Bangladesh
Annual groundwater level variation in the aquifer of the Mymensingh-Tangail area of Bangladesh was simulated by applying an implicit finite-difference model of groundwater flow. The groundwater...

Spills: The Human-Machine Interface State of Our Knowledge
The International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes has entered into agreements on Great Lakes water quality. Many of the 3000 significant spills that occur in the Great Lakes Basin...

Human Error: A Major Cause of Spills
Accidental spills and releases of toxic and hazardous releases is a much greater problem than realized. While data reporting systems do noe adequately account for human error as a causal...

Oil Spill Impacts on Aquifers
This study attempts to evaluate the seismic hazards along a forty inch pipeline and the impact of a pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee....

Key Environmental Development Issues
Environmental statutes dealing with the control of pollutants generally regulate precriptively, establishing both technical standards, relating to discharges and their effect on the environment,...





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