Colloidal Fouling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Experiments on the fouling of thin film composite and cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membranes by aluminum oxide colloids are reported. Fouling was significant at high ionic strengths,...

Pilot Test on Groundwater Organics Removal by Low-Pressure Membranes
A 1-year membrane pilot study has been performed to evaluate disinfection-byproduct (DBP) precursors and color removal by low-pressure membranes from groundwater with color values up to...

DBP and Hardness Control by Membrane Filtration
Ultra (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) were evaluated for removal of disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors and hardness from Rio Grande water in New Mexico and Texas. In order to compare...

Computer simulation of pulsed pumping for remediation under mass transfer limited conditions
The article presents the computer simulation of choosing the right time periods for interruption and pumping in the pulsed pumping process. It will calculate a set of criteria under mass...

Artificial Recharge of Aquifers
Artificial groundwater recharge is a means of replenishing groundwater supplies with surface water which might otherwise be lost. Artificial groundwater recharge has also been used to...

Ozonation as an Alternative to Mandatory Filtration
The increased levels of required disinfection along with more stringent disinfection by product control as outlined in the Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Disinfectant-Disinfection...

Recovery and Recycling of Copper from Wastewater using Iron Coated GAC
The purpose of this study was to prepare composite adsorbents that could be packed into a column and have adsorption characteristics similar to Fe oxide. This adsorbent was targeted to...

Thermally Enhanced Bioremediation of a Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer Using Toluene Oxidizing Bacteria
The combined application of steam injection and vacuum extraction has proved to be very effective for the in situ remediation of a gasoline contaminated aquifer. It is expected that the...

Heavy Metal Removal Using Peat/Wetland Treatment
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the mechanisms and application of a peat/wetland treatment system for heavy metal removal from wastewater. The mechanisms involved...

Denitrification Inhibition by High Nitrate Wastes
The adaptation of activated sludge and inhibition of denitrification at high nitrate concentrations was studied using pH controlled bench-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), operated...

Ozonization of Anaerobic Sludge Dewatering Centrate for Ammonia Removal
Semi-batch ozonation experiments were carried out on settled anaerobic sludge dewatering centrate. The observed rate of ammonia decay at pH ranging between 7.5 and 8.5 was much slower...

Assessment of BNR Systems in Florida
Operating data from eight, full-scale, single-sludge, biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater treatment facilities in Florida were collected and evaluated. Three types of BNR facilities...

Automated ORP Control for Aerobic/Anoxic Cycling in Oxidation Ditch Treatment
The 1140 m3/d (0.3 mgd) Grand Coulee, WA. oxidation ditch was modified to incorporate a computer-control anoxic/aerobic cycle operation to investigate...

Modeling of Biofiltration of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment
A multi-substrate model of the biofiltration of natural organic matter in drinking water was developed and successfully applied. This model assumes that biofiltration is a two-step process...

Biofilm Sorption of Natural Organic Material
The biosorption of non-ozonated and ozonated natural organic matter (NOM) onto a dense biofilm was investigated at the University of Colorado Environmental Engineering laboratories. Bench-scale...

Investigations of Potential Radical Interaction in the Formation of Brominated Organic Compounds in Water
A system has been designed that permits the examination of the formation of organic bromine compounds via a radical pathway. Hydroxyl radicals (HO?)...

Treatment of Drinking Water Containing Bromate and Bromide Ions
Granular activated carbon and reverse osmosis nanofiltration and hyperfiltration were examined for both bromate and bromide ion removal using surface treated water in New Jersey. Bromate...

Evaluation of Enhanced Coagulation for DBP Control
The paper presents a pilot scale study conducted to examine the control of Disinfection By-Product (DBP) precursors by conventional and enhanced coagulation. The objectives of the study...

Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Drinking Water Simulated with the EPA WTP-THM Model
Trihalomethane (THM) concentrations at a representative water treatment plant simulated with the EPA Water Treatment Plant THM (WTP-THM) model were used to assess potential drinking water...

A Gap in the Surface Water Treatment Rule: The Watersheds
Watershed control is required by the Surface Water Treatment Rule of the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act for systems that do not provide filtration. Where filtration is...





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