How Many Observation Wells Does it Take to Find a Groundwater Contamination Plume?
A Bayesian data worth framework is developed to balance the benefits and costs of data collection. In addition to Bayesian decision analysis, tools from Monte Carlo simulation, numerical...

Application of a Geographic Information System to Evaluate Environmental Hazards
The development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) application to evaluate potential environmental hazards within the Bushkill watershed in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, is described...

Case Storage of Planning Knowledge for Power Plant Construction
Schedulers consider a variety of constraints when they analyze a project to schedule the construction work for it. Often they will start from some schedule that they recall from a previous...

Risk-Based Management of Uncertainty During Project Planning and Execution
The Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) are the critical technical standards for the establishment of compliance plans and schedules...

Computerized Facility Information Management Systems
The paper describes a computerized information system that can be used in place of the traditional operations and maintenance manual used by facilities personnel. Plant operations and...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Heuristic Knowledge-base Approach to Runoff Estimation in Midwestern States Using a SCS Curve Number Method
The applications of the Knowledge-Based engineering has emerged as a potential technique for incorporating human expertise and some degree of intelligent judgment into decision-supporting...

Quality Management of Earthwork Using Knowledge-based Systems
Earthwork is an integral part of many construction projects. It involves cleaning of the site, loading and spreading of soil, and soil compaction and leveling. Heterogeneous orientation...

Progression of Computer Applications in Water Supply and Distribution Systems
Over the last two decades, computer applications in water supply and distribution systems have advanced rapidly from the stand-alone applications in system modeling to the integrated platform...

Use of Expert Systems in Selecting Equilibrium Isotherms of Organic Compound Adsorption on Activated Carbon
An outline of an Expert System (ES) that aids in selecting adsorption isotherms is presented. Such an ES provides an efficient technique for screening the present literature. The ES helps...

Utilizing Mathcad for Hydraulic Design of Stormwater Pump Stations
This paper describes how the software Mathcad was used for hydraulic design of three pump stations (i.e. select pumps and size forcemains). The pump stations are part of a complete stormwater...

A Technique to Perform Coupled Consolidation Analysis Using Two Independent Softwares
The consolidation of soils involves two interdependent processes. These are fluid (air and water) flows and the deformation of the soil structure. The two processes tend to be treated...

Circulation and Flushing in Casco Bay, Maine
A modified 3-D hydrodynamic numerical model MECCA (Model for Estuarine and Coastal Circulation Assessment; Hess, 1989) has been applied to Casco Bay, Maine, with a horizontal resolution...

Modeling Initial Mixing of Ocean Wastewater Discharges to Develop Toxic Effluent Limitations
The UM model, released by USEPA in 1992, was utilized to simulate the initial mixing of a discharge to the Atlantic Ocean near Ocean City, New Jersey. The study included field verification...

Microworlds for Learning Through Inquiry
We discuss several computer-based environments to support learning through inquiry, called microworlds, including two focused on steam power plant operation and electronic troubleshooting....

Computerized Building Settlement Analyses for a Contaminated Groundwater Remediation Project
The use of spreadsheets is becoming ever more popular in the practice of civil engineering. Engineers are able to use this tool to meet deadlines which were once insurmountable. This paper...

The Use of SCADA for Real-time Calculation and Monitoring for CT Compliance at the Ralph D. Bollman Water Treatment Plant
The contra Costa Water District (CCWD) of Concord, CA was formed in 1935 under the authority of the State Water Code. CCWD purchases its water supply from the Central Valley Project (CVP),...

Replacement of a Failed Embankment Designed to Accommodate Large Settlement: A Case Study
Thick deposits of soft, normally to slightly preconsolidated, organic clay are common at low elevations along the riverbanks of southeast Texas. Both the moisture content and liquid limit...

A Case History of Settlement of an Embankment on Lagoonal Deposits Influenced by Artesian Conditions
A geotechnical engineering investigation was performed for the Pearl Kai Center, a shopping center in the Pearl Harbor area of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The proposed commercial development...

Cyclic Loading for the Measuring of Soil Consolidation Parameters
A method of determination of soil consolidation characteristics using sinusoidal loading is described. It can be performed in laboratory test or in situ observation as well, with different...





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