Threatened by probable tightening of hazardous-waste legislation, oil companies are searching for ways to dispose of or stabilize oil-drilling byproducts. One way is cementitious stabilization...

Stopping Waste at the Source
Contrary to popular belief, waste reduction at the source, rather than end-of-the-pipe waste treatment may the nation's best approach to the hazardous waste problem. Surprisingly,...

Bay-Wide Model Studies for the Boston Ocean Outfall Siting
Oceanographic data and numerical models were used to evaluate candidate diffuser sites to discharge effluent from Boston's planned secondary treatment plant. The study showed...

Multidisciplinary Hydrologic Investigations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Future climatic conditions and tectonic processes have the potential to cause significant changes of the hydrologic system in the southern Great Basin, where a nuclear-waste repository...

Natural System Issues in the OCRWM Program
Twenty four site characterization Issues, most of which pertain to the natural system, are presently defined in the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) Program for...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1990
The proceedings of the first annual Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 8-12, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the current technical issues...

Bridges Under Surveillance
Although bridge monitoring is still in its infancy, research, pilot studies and field work are underway across the country. While today it's still a pie-in-the-sky goal, the...

A Method for Estimating Peak Flows from Small Agricultural Watersheds
An attempt was made to develop a method for estimating peak runoff from agricultural watersheds by analyzing precipitation and runoff data, and incorporating the results into a procedure...

Soil Moisture Measurements in Oil Shale Waste Material Using a Neutron Probe and Time Domain Reflectometry
Five large scale lysimeters (7.3 ? 3.0 ? 3.0 m deep) have been constructed to collect information and data on hydrological factors which affect the movement of water through a large scale...

AGNPS: A Tool for Watershed Planning
The AGNPS model was developed to provide a means of assessing water quality impacts from agricultural watersheds. AGNPS simulates sediment and nutrient transport from the headwaters to...

Modeling Erosion and Effects of Agricultural BMP's on a West Tennessee Watershed
The application of Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) to nonpoint source data was examined. The model is used to determine the effects of land management practices upon surface...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Impact of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality on the Delmarva Peninsula
Both pesticides and nitrates have been detected in the ground water on the Delmarva Peninsula. Highest nitrate concentrations have been found on well-drained soils. Poultry manure is one...

Influence of Method of Fertilizer Application on Groundwater Pollution
Researchers at New Mexico State University have been looking for methods to improve the efficiency of fertilizer application in irrigated agriculture. Preliminary results obtained in the...

Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Drainage: Impacts and Innovations in California
This paper provides an overview of the more significant impacts of agricultural drainage in California, and describes the role of the State's Agricultural Drainage Water Management...

Arid Zone Hydrologic Implications for the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has chosen Yucca Mountain, Nevada for characterization to determine if it is suitable to become the Nation's first High-Level Radioactive...

Chemically-Enhanced Treatment: An Alternative to Biological Secondary Treatment for Ocean Outfalls
Chemically-enhanced treatment is a process whereby chemicals are added to wastewater in order to enhance solids removals through coagulation. This treatment process can obtain removal...

The Effect of Grain Size Distribution on the Entrainment of Interstitial Water into Overland Flow
Non-point source pollution from agricultural runoff is an important environmental problem. This experimental study considers the effect of media heterogeneity on the entrainment of interstitial...

Integration of GIS, Remote Sensing, and Digital Elevation Data for a Hydrologic Model
The Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS), which was developed by Agricultural Research Service, was used as a test model for assessing nonpoint source pollution. The model...

Evaluation of the Potential for Release of Residual Coal Tar by Flood Scour at a Superfund Site
To address the potential for release of residual coal tar by flood scour, stream cross-sections, stream discharge and sediment grain size data were collected during the Remedial Investigation...





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