Driven Then Pushed Minicone Tests in a Sand Chamber
For a general knowledge on the Standard Cone Penetrometer test and its uses the reader is referred to the work of Briaud and Miran (1991). For this study (Khalaf and Briaud, 1992) a smaller...

3-D Deformation Analysis of Pile Groups During Wave Loading
Deformation predictions of pile group supporting one leg of Magnus platform were conducted using the 3-D nonlinear computer program SPLICE (Structure/Pile/Soil Interaction Analysis) and...

Drilled Shaft Side Resistance in Clay Soil to Rock
An evaluation is made of available field load test data for the axial side clay soils to hard rocks. Conventional total stress interpretations by the alpha method are used to examine the...

Execution and Evaluation of High Capacity Caisson Load Tests in Glacial Deposits
As part of the Boston Harbor clean up project, the new 1,000 mgd Deer Island Sewerage treatment plant includes ten 240 feet high egg-shaped 'residuals' tanks. Contract documents called...

On the Elasto-Plastic Behavior of an Unsaturated Silt
Due to technical difficulties related to the control and measurement of the suction in unsaturated soils, few experimental data on the mechanical behavior of those soils exits. The paper...

Elasto-Plastic Volume Change of Unsaturated Compacted Clay
Isotropic compression tests were performed on samples of unsaturated compacted kaolin in a modified triaxial cell that allowed separate control of pore water pressure and pore air pressure....

One and Three Dimensional, Three Phase Deformation in Soil
An initially saturated soil exhibits two distinct deformation patterns as it drys. First, it deforms vertically until the soil begins to drain. Secondly , it deforms laterally as well...

Permeability Determination for Unsaturated Soils
A reliable approach for the determination of the soil hydraulic conductivity function relies on the parameter estimation solution approach in which heterogeneous state of saturation within...

Data Base for the Design of Piers in Expansive Soils
The paper describes the parameters and the structure of the seed of a data base of properties and observed field behavior of expansive soils assembled from an extensive literature review....

Unsaturated Soils
This proceedings, Unsaturated Soils, consists of papers presented at sessions of the 1993 ASCE National Convention and Exposition held in Dallas,...

Slip-Lining Solution
Grouting the annular space between a corroded sewer pipe and newly installed liner pipe is a stage of a typical sewer line rehabilitation project which contains hidden problems and difficulties....

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures II
This proceedings, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, presents papers from an international workshop sponsored by ASCE-ACI...

Reliability and Uncertainty Analyses in Hydraulic Design
Prepared by the Subcommittee on Uncertainty and Reliability Analyses in Design of Hydraulic Structures of the Technical Committee on Probabilistic Approaches to Hydraulics of ASCE. ...

Can Engineers Cut Curtain-Wall Failures?
For many reasons, including owners' false perception of economy engineers have abdicated responsibility for curtainwall design. Failures of curtainwall components are very...

Federal Public Works Infrastructure R&D
A New Perspective
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report provides an analysis of the federal role in public works infrastructure research...

Dynamic Response and Progressive Failure of Special Structures
This proceedings, Dynamic Response and Progressive Failure of Special Structures, consists of papers presented in the two sessions of the First...

Elected Officials
Schools and organizations train engineers to use facts. But, engineers are often content to base decisions on their opinions. While engineering judgment is an important part of the professional...

Appendix B: Ten Primary Reasons for Failure in Negotiation
Back matter pages come after the papers or chapters in a published work. This back matter contains ten primary reasons for failure in negotiation....

In-Service Durability Evaluation of Armourstone
A summary flow diagram for rock evaluation, general to all rock types and engineering applications of rock is introduced. It is then applied to armourstone. Increasing detail within this...

Physical Model Testing of Broken Armor Stone
Cracking, breaking into two or more pieces, flaking, crumbling, and abrading may reduce an armor stone to a size where wave action can remove it from the structure causing a local instability....





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