The Use of a Flood Damage Rating System to Aid Urban Stormwater Management
Increasing urbanisation and the subsequent decrease in natural storage and infiltration potential in a catchment, cause increased runoff peaks and volumes. Existing stormwater drainage...

Mountainous Precipitation Estimation Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Geographic Information Systems
Using rotated principal component analysis (PCA), unique, orthogonal spatial patterns of daily and monthly precipitation on a well-instrumented, mountainous watershed in Idaho (USA) were...

Development of an Isohyetal Analysis for Oregon Using the Prism Model
PRISM (Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) is an analytical model that uses point data and a digital elevation model (DEM) to generate gridded estimates of...

Wetland Hydrology Management in Australia
Changes to the hydrologic regime of wetlands is a vital factor affecting the natural diversity and conservation values of wetlands. The management of wetland hydrology thus forms an integral...

Hydrologic Runoff Models for the Arid Southwest United States
Recently, hydrologic study criteria manuals (or hydrology manuals) were prepared for the arid southwest regions of Clark County (Las Vegas vicinity, Nevada), Maricopa County (Phoenix vicinity,...

A Computer System to Operate Coastal Structures
The Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project (C&SF) was designed and built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is operated and maintained by the South Florida Water...

Incorporating GIS Technology in Standard Flood Hydrology Applications
The potential for application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to hydrologic analyses has received increasing attention in recent years. Published literature on hydrologic applications...

A GIS Application to Hydrology
This paper illustrates an application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in estimating input parameters for Penn State Runoff Model (PSRM), a watershed rainfall-runoff simulation model....

The Use of Geographic Information Systems and Models on Personal Computer and Workstation Platforms, in the Development of a Wellhead Protection Program, Salinas Valley, California
The Salinas Valley is located on California's Central Coast. The ground water basin supports 850,000,000 M2 of irrigated crops which have a market...

GIS Landscape?A Solution for Wellhead Protection
Wellhead protection is an emerging issue for water suppliers based largely on the 1986 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). State governments are developing wellhead...

Development of a Raw Water Master Plan Model to Assist Long Range Drought and Water Conservation Planning for the City of Louisville, Colorado
The City of Louisville, a municipal corporation charged with meeting the water demands of almost 5,000 water accounts and faced with a diminishing supply of available senior water rights...

Simulation of the Propagation of Conserevative Contamination
The hydrodynamic model of the pollutant transport in water bodies was developed and adopted for Volga water supply system of Moscow, which includes five reservoirs and a channel. The model...

Survey of GIS Applications in Surface Water Hydrology
Geographic information systems (GIS), computerized tools for management and manipulation of spatially referenced data, are increasingly being used for engineering analysis and design of...

An Operational GIS to Support State-Wide Hydrologic and Nonpoint Pollution Modeling
A geographic information system(GIS) that is structured for hydrologic and nonpoint pollution modeling(GISHYDRO) became operational in the Maryland State Highway Administration's Division...

New Directions in Integrated Hydrologic Modeling with GIS
In 1988, the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research funded a project to develop an integrated hydrologic model to more adequately represent mine reclamation hydrology. Five years later,...

Formulation of a Hydrologic Model, for Use with Remotely Sensed Data
Research is currently being conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, as well as, many other sites, in the area of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and implementing its application...

GIS-Integrated Surface Hydrology System
A GIS-based stormwater management system has been developed for the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners. The model draws all spacial data including watershed parameters, network...

Impact of Digital Elevation Model Grid Size on Extracted Drainage Parameters
The dependence of extracted drainage network properties on the spatial resolution of DEMs is investigated for a study basin. A series of raster DEMs of increasing cell size is generated...

Water Resources Management Using a Geographic Information System over a Wide Area Network
To assist in the management of water resources in the Santa Ana River Basin, in Southern California, the Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, Colorado and the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority...

Simulation of Contaminant Migration Under Conditions of Declining Ground Water Levels
A ground water flow and transport model was developed to simulate the migration of contaminants originating from an industrial site. The development and calibration of the model were based...





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