Modelling Automatic Upstream Control with SIMCAR
The model SIMCAR solves the gradually varied unsteady flow in a branched canal network with upstream control, with particular attention given to the simulation of the AMIL radial gates....
Field Application of Transient and Steady-State Canal Models in Thailand
A transient (unsteady) flow model for simulating the hydraulics in irrigation canal networks was developed and tested in Thailand. A steady-state hydraulic model was subsequently developed...
Future Needs for Unsteady Flow Canal Models
The ASCE task committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' examined a number of the computer programs available for simulating unsteady open-channel...
Effects of Uranium Mining, Puerco River, New Mexico
Effluent from uranium-mine dewatering and acidic water released by a tailings-pond dike failure increased radionuclide activities in streamflow in the Puerco River in New Mexico and Arizona....
Geochemical Mass-Balance in a Small Forested Watershed in Southwestern Pennsylvania
An intensive hydrologic investigation of the North Fork Bens Creek Watershed on Laurel Hill in southwestern Pennsylvania was made during 1984-85. Precipitation was sampled weekly, and...
Use of Stable Isotopes, Tritium, Soluble Salts, and Redox-Sensitive Elements to Distinguish Ground Water from Irrigation Water in the Salton Sea Basin
Evaporative concentration of irrigation water diverted from the Colorado River to the Salton Sea basin for several decades has produced an overlying system (that includes drainwater and...
Hydrologic Change Caused by the Eruption of Mount St. Helens
On 18 May 1980, the eruption of Mount St. Helens created a massive landslide which covered 32 square miles and stripped all vegetation from 150 square miles. A study of changes in hydrologic...
Erosion Potential of Pacific Basin Precipitation
Average annual erosivity (EI) values were developed using 20 years of hourly precipitation data from weather stations located on each of 10 Pacific Basin islands. Average annual erosivity...
Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics of Rangitaiki and Whirinaki Watersheds
The Rangitaiki and Whirinaki watersheds in New Zealand have considerably higher storage and infiltration rates than others in New Zealand. The Rangitaiki watershed is flat compared to...
Numerical Methods for Simulating Debris Blockage Failures and Mudflows
This paper presents the procedures and results from an investigation to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of mudflow events resulting from hypothetical failures of a debris blockage...
Irrigation Delivery Design with Parameter and Objective Uncertainty
This paper investigates the effects of uncertainty in the design of hydraulic structures in an open-channel system for irrigation water delivery. Uncertainty due to ambiguity in the values...
Multicriterion Strategic Planning for Improved Irrigation Delivery Performance
An approach for assessing alternative strategies for improving an irrigation water delivery system in the context of multiple planning criteriais applied to the Alamosa River and La Jara...
Enhanced Canal System Scheduling Using a PC
The Bureau of Reclamation (the Bureau) and Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) are promoting water conservation through the development of computer software to enhance accounting and...
The NPUSM (Narmada) Model for Modeling Canal Flows
The NPUSM computer program was developed for the analysis of unsteady flows in canals with various types of canal structures to evaluate the Narmada Canal system in Gujarat, India. The...
Uncertainty in Pesticide Leaching Potential
Uncertainty in the pesticide leaching index AF is examined for the pesticides Atrazine and Diuron with attention to the contribution of temporal variability and estimation error in recharge....
Economic Evaluation of Farning Systems to Protect Surface and Ground Water Quality
Two approaches are discussed for evaluating the economic and environmental effects of farming systems designed to protect water quality. The scenario approach evaluates specific farming...
Ground Water Impacts from Irrigated Ridge-Tillage
The Northern Cornbelt Sand Plain Project is a cooperative research effort between the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, USDA/Agricultural Research Service and U.S. Geological Survey...
Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems (Manual No. 74)
Manual No. 74, Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, is an updated version of an earlier manual published by the American Society of Civil Engineers...
Transportation of Cities' Colorado River Water in the Salt River Project's Canal System
Cities in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area have contracted with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District to take delivery of Colorado River water. Many of their water treatment...
Impact of Nitrogen and Water Management on Ground Water Quality
Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in shallow ground water of the Platte River Valley in Central Nebraska have been increasing since the 1950s...
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