Clearing the Air About Sludge Incinerator Emissions
In 1990, a research needs assessment for wastewater treatment agencies conducted by the Water Environment Research Foundation recommended a three-year project to identify and quantify...

Beneficial Use Alternatives for Water Treatment Plant Residuals
The beneficial use alternatives which are currently in practice for water treatment plant residuals and their relative advantages and disadvantages are summarized in this paper. The alternatives...

Modifying One of the Nation's Most Successful Biosolids Lime Stabilization Operations
Since 1978, the Vallejo, California, Sanitation and Flood Control District has managed a tremendously successful biosolids program consisting of lime stabilization and agricultural land...

Flocculation Kinetics Using Fe(III) Coagulant to Coagulate Kaolin Clay in Water: Effects of Temperature
Flocculation kinetics using ferric nitrate as a coagulant to coagulate kaolin clay in water was examined using several experimental factors. Both the particle size distribution data obtained...

Assessing Roughing Filtration Design Variables
Rural communities are affected by the surface water treatment rule and are looking for inexpensive filtration options which are easy to operate and maintain. This paper evaluates roughing...

Filtration and Backwashing Performance of Biologically-Active Filters
Before widespread use can be made of biological filters, it is crucial to develop an understanding of the filtration and backwashing performance of these filters. Experimental results...

Application of Numerical Models in the Design of Clarifiers
In this study, a numerical model of a circular clarifier was applied to reveal the effects of the water depth on the hydraulic and removal efficiency. The velocity and solids concentration...

Clarifier Enhancements Yield Excellent Performance
The critical role of final clarifiers in meeting effluent permit requirements in indisputable. Poor performance of the final clarification step may adversely affect effluent quality. Experience...

Sludge Hopper Design for Activated Sludge Clarifiers
Only in the past few years has any attention been allocated to the transport characteristics of sludge collectors. However, no attention has been given to a design rationale for the sludge...

Evaluation of Fe oxide-coated GAC for removal and recovery of Cu(II) from water
A composite solid, prepared by precipitating an Fe oxide onto granular activated carbon (GAC), was evaluated as an adsorbent for the removal and recovery of Cu(II) from water. Relative...

Sensitized Photooxidation of Dissolved Sulfides in Water
The ability of methylene blue (MB) and riboflavin (RF) to sensitize dissolved sulfides for photooxidation was investigated. Both MB and RF were found to be effective sensitizers for the...

A Coupled Mass Transfer and Surface Complexation Model for Uranium (VI) Removal from Wastewaters
A remediation technique has been developed for removing uranium (VI) from complex contaminated groundwater using flake chitin as a biosorbent in batch and continuous flow configurations....

Assessing the Reliability of Low Pressure Membrane Systems for Microbial Removal
Low pressure membrane systems are used for microorganisms control in water treatment processes. In this article, the efficiency and reliability of this process is evaluated. Microorganism...

Fouling of Nanofiltration Membranes by Natural Organic Matter
Nanofiltration membranes (with pore sizes on the order of 10-9 m) have been shown in pilot plant studies to provide a very effective means of removing...

Colloidal Fouling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Experiments on the fouling of thin film composite and cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membranes by aluminum oxide colloids are reported. Fouling was significant at high ionic strengths,...

Pilot Test on Groundwater Organics Removal by Low-Pressure Membranes
A 1-year membrane pilot study has been performed to evaluate disinfection-byproduct (DBP) precursors and color removal by low-pressure membranes from groundwater with color values up to...

DBP and Hardness Control by Membrane Filtration
Ultra (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) were evaluated for removal of disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors and hardness from Rio Grande water in New Mexico and Texas. In order to compare...

Computer simulation of pulsed pumping for remediation under mass transfer limited conditions
The article presents the computer simulation of choosing the right time periods for interruption and pumping in the pulsed pumping process. It will calculate a set of criteria under mass...

Artificial Recharge of Aquifers
Artificial groundwater recharge is a means of replenishing groundwater supplies with surface water which might otherwise be lost. Artificial groundwater recharge has also been used to...

Ozonation as an Alternative to Mandatory Filtration
The increased levels of required disinfection along with more stringent disinfection by product control as outlined in the Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Disinfectant-Disinfection...





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