IVHS: Applications in Freight and Trucking Operations
This paper discusses the application of IVHS technology to freight and trucking activities. It is argued that because commercial vehicle operators perceive real benefits from IVHS, they...

In-Vehicle Crash Avoidance Warning System Technologies and Human Factors Issues
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that in 1990, motor vehicle accidents cost the nation more that $135 billion in property damage, personal injury and...

Driver Response to Fog Conditions ? An Intelligent Approach
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) on NSW is currently examining options for replacing its Driver Aid System on the F6 Tollway south of Sydney. On this road drivers are affected by...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...

Strategic Updating of Autonomous Route Guidance Systems for Air Quality Management
The work in this paper stems from applied research which is implemented as part of the QUARET project. QUARET is a major initiative by four European Community cities. Athens, Birmingham,...

An Integrated Route Assignment and Traffic Simulation System with a Massively Parallel Computing Architecture
This research presents two critical issues in the development of an integrated route assignment and traffic simulation system of ATMS-ATIS applications. The first issue addresses the conceptual...

Simulation of the Dynamic Traffic Flow on Urban Road Network
Methods of performing dynamic traffic assignment are needed to simulate traffic conditions on urban highways during peak periods of congestion. In this paper, the route choice behavior...

An Example of Quantitative Evaluation of AVCS Safety
A method has been devised for expressing in absolute terms the effect on safety of various features in the design of an AVCS system. It depends on gathering data from different sources...

A Framework for ATIS Safety
Advanced Traveler Information Systems utilize advance techniques to acquire, process, and disseminate information to motorists. The main purpose of ATIS is to provide motorists with information...

Establishing a Human Factors Focus and Approach for North Carolina's IVHS Efforts
The paper discusses the behavioral and human factors issues associated with the development and operation of North Carolina's CARAT program (Congestion Avoidance and Reduction for Autos...

Detection of Incidents and Traffic Disturbances in Freeways
This research aims to develop methods for detecting incidents and compression waves through simulation. The detection methods are based on a macroscopic traffic flow model that focuses...

Digital Mapping for Road Navigation in Japan
In Japan, more than 300,000 vehicles are presently equipped with car navigation systems. Development of these systems had been greatly aided by the completion of a standardized digital...

Technology Transfer: Encouraging the Use of Advanced Technologies in Your Organization
Encouraging the evaluation, use, and development of advanced technologies throughout an organization presents a special challenge, with the rewards of successful implementation far outweighing...

Arterial Street Incident Detection Using Multiple Data Sources: Plans for ADVANCE
An Advanced Traveler Information System demonstration called ADVANCE is being prepared for implementation on an arterial street network in the suburbs of Chicago. This paper will describe...

Selected Precipitation Characteristics in Antelope Valley, Mojave Desert, CA
An urban hydrology study currently in progress in Antelope Valley, California, includes the collection and analyses of precipitation and runoff data. Storms in Antelope Valley are most...

Storm Precipitation in Southwest British Columbia
The storm precipitation in a mountainous watershed in the southwestern British Columbia has been studied. Analysis of the spatial distribution of the storm features showed that the precipitation...

Smith's Infiltration Equation and Flooding Infiltrometers
Smith's infiltration equation was developed by examining the output from runs of a physically-based numerical model of one-dimensional infiltration. The model simulated application of...

Simulation of Daily Climatic Series for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
A new approach to the generation of climatic time series for studies of the impact of climate change on water resources is presented. The method adapts a current stochastic weather generator...

Change of Estuarine Processes Due to Sea Level Rise and Navigation Channel Improvement
To investigate the relationship between the improvement of navigation channels and the change of estuarine environment under various sea level rise scenarios, numerical study was performed...

Development of an Isohyetal Analysis for Oregon Using the Prism Model
PRISM (Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) is an analytical model that uses point data and a digital elevation model (DEM) to generate gridded estimates of...





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