Facelifting City Streets
Augusta, Georgia rebuilt a four-block, 10-acre section of the main street (Broad Street) to improve traffic flow, beautify the street, provide safe, efficient and convenient parking and...

First U.S. Van Pool�� Big Success
In l972, a 3M company traffic engineer came up with a way to relieve traffic congestion at company headquarters: van pools. The program is employee supported and run. 3M buys the vans...

Redesigning the Auto: A Key to Solving the U.S. Energy
The automobile is a tremendous consumer of energy. The entire transport sector uses 26% of the energy used in the U.S.�� and half the oil. In fact, the American auto alone consumes one-ninth...

First Annual National Conference on Recreation Planning and Development
Recreation planning and development is a multi-disciplined field involving engineers, planners, landscape architects, structural architects and other specialists active or interested in...

Foundation Soil Preload Saves $164,000
Soils in the lower Mississippi valley are highly compressible and present a challenge to structural foundation designers. Rather than support power plant structures on piles, one design...

Underground Hot Water Storage Could Cut National Fuel Needs 10%
The possible conservation of waste heat by using it to heat water and then, subsequently, injecting the heated water into wells screened in aquifers containing saline water is described....

Trans Alaska Pipeline
This is one of the most extraordinary projects contending for the OCEA awards. Examples: the 360 mile haul road built in one summer; the 29 construction camps, self-contained cities to...

Los Angeles Reservoir is Safe From Earthquakes
The Los Angeles Reservoir was nominated for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award. The reservoir, which replaces the Van Norman Reservoir damaged during the 1971 San...

Stadium Seats Slide on Water
In Denver, a unique 21,000 seat, 9-million pound movable stand is used to convert the Denver Mile High Stadium from baseball to football or soccer. The stands are lifted and move on 163-forty...

Reservoir Outlet Extended Above Silt to Prevent Clogging
Accumulation of silt in an on-stream water storage reservoir almost completely buried the concrete tower originally provided as an outlet intake shaft for releasing stored water through...

EPA Launches Program to Control Hazardous Wastes
In January 1979, the federal Environmental Protection Agency will issue its long awaited guidelines on the control of hazardous wastes. These guidelines will propose a so-called manifest...

Energy Facilities Going Underground
Environmental pressures, combined with continuing development of hard-rock excavation techniques, have turned attention to the placement of major engineering facilities underground. Primary...

Applied Techniques for Cold Environments
The proceeding papers cover practical applications of engineering principles to the solution of real world cold regions engineering problems. The book was organized into four major categories:...

Peaking Power from Stored Air
Pumped storage has been recognized as a means of supplying additional electric power generation capacity during peak load periods for quite a while. However, such facilities are traditionally...

Alternatives to End-of-Pipe Treatment
End-of-pipe treatment must be replaced by innovative, in-process changes if industrial plants are to creatively meet the upcoming 1983 EPA pollution control requirements. By-product recovery,...

The Hackensack Meadowlands Project
The Hackensack Meadowlands Project, which includes a stadium and a racetrack, has reclaimed from the ravages of man and nature a portion of an undevelopable marshland that is larger than...

Fabric Roofs Feel the Pressure
Plastic-coated fabric roofs have been growing in popularity with uses ranging from covering a football stadium in Michigan to housing satellite-tracking stations. Article takes a look...

502-ft Diameter Laminated-Timber Dome Provides Fast, Low-Cost Cover for Arizona Stadium
Varex Dome, a 502-ft diameter engineering marveel of glue laminated timber, was built in record six months erection time. This dome shell structure forms both walls and roof for the new...

California's Food Industry: Wastewater Management Challenge
The demand for food products throughout the United States and the world has been partially responsible for the continuous growth of agriculture and food processing in California. This...

Technical pioneering by design-construct firms
U.S. industry leads the world, in good part because of our engineering creativity. Key partners in U.S. industrial innovation are design/construct firms that build many or most U.S. industrial...





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