Water 2050-Supply for the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Region Using the Integrated Resource Planning Process
This paper presents information about the long range regional water supply planning work that is being conducted in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region. An integrated resources planning...

Salt River Project Strategic Water Resource Plan
This paper discusses the results of the Salt River Project Strategic Water Resource Plan - Phase I: Assessment & Potential Strategies. The objective of Phase I of the Strategic...

Thoughts of Reservoir Management Studies
Changing water use patterns and priorities, the high cost and uncertainty of developing new supply sources, increasingly stringent environmental regulation, and the desire and need to...

Sustainable Management of Existing Reservoirs
Instead of a design and planning of new reservoirs in the future, more emphasis will be placed on the management of existing reservoirs. Reservoir storage reallocation and reassessment...

Site Characterization by Artificial Neural Networks
Recently, an optimal groundwater management model has been developed to treat groundwater remediation problems at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The objective of the model...

Aquifer Remediation Design: Nonlinear Programming and Genetic Algorithms
Nonlinear programming and genetic algorithm solutions of a pump-and-treat aquifer remediation design model are presented and discussed. These models find the minimum cost design of the...

A Decision Support System for Administering Water Rights in an Alluvial Aquifer
A previously developed basin scale surface-ground water simulation model has been incorporated into a micro-computer based decision support system that simulates the transient ground water...

Application of the PCRSS Reservoir Simulation Model to the Salt River Project
PCRSS is a general purpose reservoir system model construction kit. It allows the user to specify the system configuration and parameters through the use of a windows based graphic user...

Instream Flow Strategies for Operation of the Federal Central Valley Project
Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and policies of reservoir storage and river releases for fish and wildlife protection and restoration are discussed. Prescribed strategies...

The Case for Southern Nevada's Thirst
Water Resources Planning can be associated with short term or long term projects. Civil Engineers can develop plans for any number of eventualities, be they normal expected events or unwanted...

Design Considerations for Night Storage in Irrigation Systems
Due to the farmer social and economical changes, irrigation during night became rare. Most of the night discharges flow to drains. A design procedure has been developed for storage in...

Building Groundwater Optimizers That Respond to the Needs of Decision-Makers
Optimization methods are being sought and employed to design systems that remediate contaminated groundwater regions (and, in fact, the subsurface in general) with increasing frequency....

Arizona Groundwater Management Alternatives
Sustainable groundwater management policies are examined through the use of a hydrologic-economic impact model of Arizona surface and groundwater use. Present water use practices were...

Integration of Water Rights and Salinity Considerations in Comprehensive River Basin Management
The TAMUWRAP Water Rights Analysis Package is a recently developed generalized reservoir/river system simulation model. Application of the model in a water supply reliability study of...

Description of the Application of Goal Programming for Selective Withdrawal Structure Operation
Thermal stratification in reservoirs results in variations of water quality with depth. Selective withdrawal structures with outlets at different vertical locations, can be used to provide...

Conservation Measures in Urban Storm Water Management
The management of storm water runoff has been given considerable attention by regulatory agencies and practicing engineers in recent years. The current state of-the-art of storm water...

Nakajima Subsurface Dam
A new water resource is generated by a subsurface dam. This paper presents the design, construction, and monitoring of a test subsurface dam in an alluvial valley of an island for both...

Public Involvement in Water Resources Management
Some thoughts on the use of public involvement, partnering, customer focus, and decision support systems in water management are presented....

Partnering in Environmental Restoration: The Coastal America Model
The Coastal America Partnership was initiated in 1993 with the underlying principal that collaborative efforts would be more successful than attempting individual agency solutions. To...

The Role of Partnering and Public Involvement in the Lackawanna River Corridor Greenway Study
Development of partnerships and active public involvement programs has, in the past, been de-emphasized for the more traditional Corps studies. However, as the Corps continues to progress...





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