Yesterday's Swamp
Since the mid-80s there has been an explosion of engineering firms entering the wetlands design and restoration market. As yesterday's bogs and swamps, once drained and filled...
Project Management: Now On-Line
Only 20 years ago, computerized project management was available only to large firms with mainframe computers. Even four or five years back, well into the personal-computer revolution,...
The Eichleay Formula�Time to Retire?
The Eichleay formula is the one most commonly used to settle claims by contractors against owners who delay a project. The formula is based on six questionable assumptions, however. When...
Facelift For an Interchange
The authors describe a $250 million reconstruction project on a three-level interchange linking I-84 and I-91 in Hartford, Conn., which is the largest rehabilitation project in the state's...
A Possible Paradigm
`We work only on a lump sum basis, with work guaranteed on time, and no extras. We help you define the scope of work, using our experience and unmatched computerized databases, then guarantee...
The Demonstration Project on Seismic Loss Estimation for Water Systems
This year a monograph is being produced that summarizes results of a four-year project by the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (TCLEE) of ASCE in order to demonstrate...
The U.S. Agency for International Development's Water and Sanitation for Health (WASH) Project: Lessons of the Decade
A review of the International Decade of Water Supply and Sanitation of the 1980's shows the enormous accomplishments made to date: 600 million more people served with a drinkable...
Long-Term Water Supply and Demand in Light of California's Population Growth
Californians will have to be more creative, more imaginative, and willing to investigate new methods of meeting people's water needs. Waste water reclamation and water conservation...
Projects That Point
This is only a small sampling of what we can expect inthis decade. An $80 million kiln at Port Arthur, Tex., reportedly the largest of its kind in the U.S., handles bulk solids and sludges....
The Quest for Quality
an Engineer's View on Responsibility and Liability
This proceedings is the product of the 1990 Triennial Conference which is a conference series held every three years, alternating on each side of the Atlantic, originally between the American...
Structural Details: Is Anything Missing?
While actual failure of a structure is uncommon, many projects have less publicized, detailing-related difficulties involving rework, changes, clarifications, and increased costs. If the...
Influence of International Students on the U.S. Educational System and Professional Practice
If the U.S. will continue to be a leader in the technological world of the 21st century, it must create a new generation of American engineers with an understanding of the world, its people...
The Benefits of Benefits
The article describes the effects of high turnover on a firm's performance and the potential for helping control it through the benefits offered employees. Historically, benefits...
Quality in the Constructed Project
a Guide for Owners, Designers and Constructors
This final version of the
New Wharf Covers Trident Submarines
The U.S. Navy's newer fleet of Trident-class submarines requires upgraded support facilities. Work has continued on expanding the base at Kings Bay, Georgia. The explosive...
Shopping for Better Project Management
The benefits of project management software are undisputed. Even a super manager needs help with scheduling, no matter how small or large a job. But, when it comes to selecting the right...
New Piers for an Old Bridge
Placing new piers under an old superstructure has saved the architecture of the historic Ashley River Bridge in Charleston, S.C. In July 1987, an inspection indicated deterioration and...
The Pros and Cons of Public Education
Today, engineers work for a public that has lost faith in the government's ability to spend money efficiently and to contain pollutants effectively. Many engineers now see...
Dallas Urban Goods Movement Changes-The Decade After
In the 1970's, the City of Dallas undertook an urban goods movement (UGM) planning project that resulted by the end of the decade in far reaching changes in the process, particularly...
Orchestral Maneuvers
Symphony Towers is an H-shaped superstructure that straddles Symphony Hall in downtown San Diego. The $143 million project is a 34-story office building to the south of the hall and a...
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