Pipe Laying Comes Out of the Trenches
Recent developments have shown that trenchless construction offers an effective and economically attractive alternative to conventional excavation. These findings are especially important...

Establishing Patterns of Building Failures
Establishing statistical patterns of building failures can help engineers and architects prevent similar failures in the future and also reduce litigation. The Architecture and Engineering...

1986: The Year of the Connection
It is proposed that 1986 be designated the Year of the Connection and that the American Society of Civil Engineers take a leading role in overcoming problems now associated with structural...

Curved Sewers: Yes or No?
A study of curved sewer use in Southern California examines sewer design and maintenance of curved versus straight sewers. A telephone survey of personnel in design and maintenance of...

Application of Methods of Probabilistic Characterization of Soil Properties
The use of probabilistic methods to describe soil properties has many applications. One such application that has been developed is in the area of probabilistic slope stability analysis....

Repair�Don't Replace�Cracked Sewer Pipe
Approximately 0.5 mile (0.8 km) of 42 in. (1,07 m) diameter reinforced concrete was installed for a sanitary sewer project when the on site inspector discovered that numerous joints had...

Building Failures�Construction Related Problems and Solutions
A leadership group of representatives from the fields of structural design, construction, building inspection, the law and insurance agreed that if five changes are made in the way building...

The Case of the Bungled Bridge Rehab
Foundation failures and rehabilitations concern the owner, the engineer and the contractor. These parties face liability to one another as well as to third parties. There are contractual...

The Sand Dam
Currently under construction is the 443 ft. high sand fill dam. Being erodible, pervious and liquefiable, sand would normally be considered as n unsuitable material to construct LaVueltosa...

Building Failures: Design Problems and Solutions
A Building Failures conference of the Engineering Foundation dissected the problems leading to failures and recommended ways to reduce failures. This article discusses value engineering,...

Engineering Liabilities for Design of a Bridge That Failed During the San Fernando Earthquake
On February 9, 1971, the San Fernando Valley in Southern California experienced a major earthquake. Among the victims were two men who were killed when a bridge connector ramp of a newly...

Seismic Risk and Decision Analysis of Lifeline Systems
This paper provides general guidelines for performing lifeline seismic risk and decision analyses. Relevant input models are introduced as they support the performance of component and...

Performance of Water and Sewer Lifelines in the May 2, 1983 Coalinga, California Earthquake
Water supply and filtration systems for the City of Coalinga suffered little damage. The water transmission system suffered five breaks. The urban distribution system was disrupted, but...

Ocean Energy
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) component nominated this year as an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement involves the most critical design problem; the cold water...

Update on Impact Effects in Nuclear Plants Part I?Overview and Need for Integrated Approach
In this paper, an ASCE working group on impact effects in nuclear plants updates the review of this technology contained in a five-year-old ASCE report. In Part I, an overview is given...

Pipe Impact on Concrete Slabs
A series of pipe impact on concrete slab tests have been performed at the CEA's Cadarache Laboratory using the AQUITAINE II facility. The testing program was jointly sponsored...

Design for Whipping Pipe Impact on Reinforced Concrete Panels
This paper describes determination of local and overall effects on reinforced concrete panels due to whipping pipe impact in postulated pipe break events. Local damage includes the prediction...

Nonlinear Analysis of Reactor Vessel & Core Supports Subjected to Accidental Impact Loads
Nonlinear dynamic analyses of the reactor vessel, its support systems, the core and the core supports were performed to evaluate the consequences of such drops. Damage was defined in terms...

Sensitivity of Peak Dynamic Responses to Input Factors
Responses have been calculated for the Zion Unit 1 plant, using the SSMRP computer code SMACS, as part of the seismic probabilistic risk assessment performed by the Seismic Safety Margins...

Modeling Techniques for Seismic Analysis of Supported Systems
An automated seismic qualification process is presented which integrates the modeling and evaluation aspects of supported system design. Emphasis is placed on baseplate and joint design....





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