Numerical Models of Phytoplankton Dynamics for Shallow Estuaries
The relationship between physical processes and phytoplankton population dynamics in coastal ocean waters is a complicated issue largely because of the shallowness of the water column,...

Estimating Pier Scour with Artificial Neural Networks
This paper describes the use of artificial neural network (ANN) analysis as a computing device for estimating scour at bridge piers. The neural network presented here is based on 515 sets...

An Artificial Neural Network for Computing Sediment Transport
This paper describes the use of artificial neural network (ANN) analysis as a computing device for estimating sediment transport in open channels. The application was developed from 1,455...

Hydrodynamic Modeling for Channel Barrier Design
A two-dimensional vertically-averaged finite element hydrodynamic model was used at two scales to predict flow conditions for design of a proposed fish barrier: one for the general hydraulic...

A 2-D Numerical Model for High Velocity Channels
The hydraulic performance of a high velocity channel depends on maintaining a supercritical flow regime over specified portions of its length. Predicting the potential location of shocks...

Numerical Solution of Transient Closed-Conduit Flow Equations by the Method of Lines Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics has long been considered as a natural technique for solving transient closed-conduit problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines,...

A 2-D Lake Model with Artificial Destratification
Artificial destratification of lakes and reservoirs is used to influence a variety of water quality parameters. It relies on localized, vertical mixing of the water column and the subsequent...

Stratification Models Sensitivity to Solar Radiation Data
A one-dimensional water quality model (WESTEX model) for simulation of thermal stratification is used to test the performance of such models related to hydrometeorological input data....

Velocity Downstream of a Submerged Pipe Outlet
The velocity downstream of a submerged pipe outlet was examined in time and space. A model study was performed to examine the influence of boundary roughness changes on the velocity dissipation....

General Implicit Representation of Hydraulic Structures in Numerical Flow Models
Effects of hydraulic structures (such as culverts, bridge openings, or gates) can be simulated in numerical surface-water-flow models. Generally the scale and dimension of the numerical...

Modeling the Impacts of Plankton Entrainment in a Tropical Bay
As part of the permitting for a coal-fired power plant, several enhancements were made to the two-dimensional flow and transport models TEA and ELA that allowed for the quantification...

Model Technology for Estimating Storm-Induced Currents
This paper demonstrates the application of the one-dimensional shallow-water equation model DYNLETI at Brunswick Harbor, Georgia to simulate storm-induced velocities precisely at a bridge...

A Tidal Inlet Bridge Scour Assessment Model
Undermining of bridge structures constructed in tidal inlets is a common problem. Scour mechanisms in tidal inlets are often complex combinations of local contraction and regional tidal...

A Mathematical Model of Flow in Mildly Sinuous, Deep Channels
A mathematical study of flow in deep, weakly-meandering channels has been carried out and formulations for the tangential and radial velocities, valid in conditions have been developed....

Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling with a Computer Graphics System
For more than a decade various divisions and district offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been active in the development of graphic information system databases and computer...

Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Compound Channel Flow
The unsteady open channel flow equations describing conservation of mass and momentum (St. Venant equations) are integrated numerically to determine the depth of flow and the rate of discharge...

Use of Floodplain PCB Concentrations to Calibrate a River Hydraulics Model
A river floodplain was found to contain measurable quantities of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), presumably deposited during historic flood events. A hydraulic model (HEC-2) was used...

Hydraulic Modeling of Fish Screens
Hydraulic model studies coupled with available knowledge of fish behavior can be important component in the development of fish-screening systems. To reproduce in a model the flow field...

Fish Screen Developments, Columbia River Dams
This paper describes developments to date for a fish diversion and bypass system being tested for two Columbia River dams. Because of the concern for the negative impacts of screen systems...

Regulation of Flow Downstream of Weirs
Reregulation weirs are one means adopted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide continuous improved minimum flow and wetted area for aquatic life downstream if hydroprojects...





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