Design of Siphon Penstocks for Low Head Hydros
Siphon penstocks have been designed and constructed at Jim Falls and Winter, Wisconsin at existing dams. Both hydropower projects are located on the Chippewa River. The design of these...

Turbine Intake Modification for Fish Passage
This paper describes one solution the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has found to improve juvenile fish guidance at Bonneville Second Powerhouse on the Columbia River. Juvenile fish passage...

Design and Operation of a Differential Surge Tank
The differential type of surge tank is more effective in operation than the simple type because it reacts more quickly to load changes of all sizes. The differential tank is also usually...

Generators with Shaft Mounted Turbine Runners
Water turbine runners mounted on an extended generator shaft are often specified to eliminate turbine bearings and the flexible shaft coupling. Two bearing single shaft turbine generator...

Programmable mMicroprocessors in Local Control of Hydro Power Plants
The main purpose of the control equipment is to provide the generator with means for operation of the power station equipment. There is a need for status information on the generating...

Voltage Versus Var/Power Factor Regulation on Hydro Generators
When paralleled to the utility bus, synchronous generators can be controlled using either terminal voltage or var/power factor regulation. Selection is dependent upon the size of the generator...

Influence of Surface Finish on Thrust Bearing Life
The original pivoted pad thrust bearing installed and fitted at the Holtwood Power Station in 1912 by A. Kingsbury has been operating continuously since that time without any difficulty....

Subsurface Savings
Less conservatism than usual in designing building foundations is being accepted or demanded by some owners to save money. The article describes four examples of cost-cutting innovations,...

Rennick Yard RCC Pavement Design and Construction
Rennick Yard roller compacted concrete paving project consisting of 136,000 multiplied by (times) yd**2 (113,710 m**2) was completed in June 1986. The design load for this project was...

Parallel Algorithms for Structural Optimization Under Dynamic Loading
Parallel algorithms and strategies are outlined for optimal design of frame structures subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. Parallelism is extracted in six areas: substructuring of...

Shallow Foundation on Sand Underlain by Soft Clay with Geotextile Interface
One technique for improving the load-bearing capacity of shallow foundations on soft clay soil is to construct them over a compact granular fill laid over the clay layer. However, the...

Controlled Yielding of the Lateral Boundaries of Soil Retaining Structures
Lateral expansion of conventional or reinforced soil backfills is necessary to establish and maintain the minimum lateral stresses on soil retaining structures. Laboratory studies are...

Probabilistic Prediction of Pile Group Capacity
A reliability analysis of a group of free standing piles in clay is carried out using Monte Carlo simulation. The pile material strength, soil capacity, and the load on the pile group...

Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, dN/da
In the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue, da/dN is correlated with the cyclic range of the stress intensity factor, ?K; the resulting relation, da/dN=f (?K), is commonly called the...

Load Combinations for Codified Design
Loading requirements used in current standards for structural design are not consistent in their conceptual basis, appearance or use. Unified limit states design procedures for structures...

Load-Sharing and Reliability of Wood Systems
A methodology for the study of reliability of light-frame wood structural systems is presented. Reliability levels associated with the bending strength limit state of such systems are...

Development of Bridge Design Code
Load and resistance parameters for bridges involve uncertainties due to natural randomness, imperfect models or human errors. Because of these uncertainties, absolute reliability is not...

Probabilistic Load Combinations in Nuclear Structures
A variety of loads affect a nuclear power facility during its lifetime. The magnitudes or intensities of these loads are uncertain, and for some of them, their time of occurrence is also...

A Reassessment of Codified Limit States Design
This paper examines the nature of design codes and their relation to engineering practice. It suggests that codes impose unjustifiable and, in the long term, destructive constraints on...

Pore Pressure Development: Probability Analysis
The development and subsequent dissipation of excess pore pressure, p in a soil deposit subject to an external load is examined using probability concepts that account for uncertainties...





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