Fluid Behavior Considerations for Waste Management in Low-Gravity Environments
Design of waste recycling systems for spacecraft requires a knowledge of fluid behavior in microgravity. As gravity is reduced, phenomena usually ignored in the One-G environment of earth...

Level of Recycling Effectiveness
The Level Of Recycling Effectiveness (LORE) scale is presented. It is a conceptual framework for evaluating recycling and other alternative strategies of meeting needs in space activities....

Black Holes
For many years, scientists have searched the skies for black holes; stars even more massive than white dwarves. As of yet, there have been no 100% sure sightings. Since they do not emit...

New Technologies for Unmanned Space Exploration
There could be no better time than now for the development and implementation of new technologies such as V.L.S.I. and optoeraseable storage. Creative inventions from new mathematical...

Developing a Wastewater Plan for an Urbanizing Area?The Case of Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Texas, is located south of Ft. Worth, Texas, and is influenced by the entire Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, which has a population of more than 3 million people. In 1988 the...

A Travel Time Template for Water Body Field Surveys
A LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet application has been developed to help plan water body surveys. The template calculates travel times between sampling stations and outputs a time schedule for...

Wastewater Balance for Storage Pond at Land Treatment Site
Land application is an established method for treating municipal wastewater in the United States. Most land application operations include on-site facilities to store wastewater during...

Groundwater Contamination from an Unlined, Poorly Capped Landfill
This paper presents a case study of groundwater and surface water contamination from a major, unlined, and poorly capped municipal landfill located in Western Washington. The landfill...

A Rational Basis for Determining Safety of Containment
Design of waste containment facilities may follow one of three tacts: (1) the liner and cover systems may have prescribed components of predetermined minimum thicknesses and hydraulic...

Measuring Benefits of Water Supply Projects
Various approaches are used to determine the value of water supply projects. Deterministic methods will lead to biased valuation of additional supplies of water. Calculation of risk premium...

Water for Texans?Using the Water Development Fund
This paper is presented to provide information on the Texas Water Development Fund. The Fund is available as a source that can provide financial assistance to political subdivisions of...

Unmixing Mixed Waste
A thermal treatment process successfully converted sludge classified as hazardous chemical/radioactive mixed waste to low specific activity radioactive waste at the National Guard Armory...

Bio Bonanza?
Bioremediation was used on a portion of the Exxon oil spill, causing the popular press to take notice of the ability of bugs to eat away at oil and, possibly, toxic wastes. The Alaskan...

Buried Treasure
Kelly describes landfill mining feasibility studies at two New England communities. Recently, due to rising landfill closure costs, a concept of landfill mining has been tested and shown...

Threatened by probable tightening of hazardous-waste legislation, oil companies are searching for ways to dispose of or stabilize oil-drilling byproducts. One way is cementitious stabilization...

Stopping Waste at the Source
Contrary to popular belief, waste reduction at the source, rather than end-of-the-pipe waste treatment may the nation's best approach to the hazardous waste problem. Surprisingly,...

Bay-Wide Model Studies for the Boston Ocean Outfall Siting
Oceanographic data and numerical models were used to evaluate candidate diffuser sites to discharge effluent from Boston's planned secondary treatment plant. The study showed...

Multidisciplinary Hydrologic Investigations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Future climatic conditions and tectonic processes have the potential to cause significant changes of the hydrologic system in the southern Great Basin, where a nuclear-waste repository...

Natural System Issues in the OCRWM Program
Twenty four site characterization Issues, most of which pertain to the natural system, are presently defined in the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) Program for...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1990
The proceedings of the first annual Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 8-12, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the current technical issues...





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