Isotopic Separation of ?He/4He From Solar Wind Gases Evolved from the Lunar Regolith
The potential benefits of 3He when utilized in a nuclear fusion reactor to provide clean, safe electricity in the 21st century for the world's inhabitants...

Lunar Oxygen ? The Reduction of Glass by Hydrogen
The direct reduction of volcanic glass by hydrogen has been proposed as a method of extracting oxygen from the lunar soil. Experiments using lunar simulant glasses reacted with flowing...

Production of Oxygen by Electro-Reduction of Lunar Ores
Anorthositic Lunar ores contain approximately 42 wt. pct. of oxygen. An electrolytic dissociation of the ore can provide a rich source of gaseous oxygen with silicon, aluminum, calcium,...

Materials and Structures Synergistic with In-Space Materials Utilization
The objective of this paper is to clearly demonstrate the significant advances made in recent months toward actual hardware realizations of various concepts for the utilization of in-space...

Structural Studies of Two Aerobrake Heatshield Panel Concepts
Structural sizing and performance data are presented for two different aerobrake hexagonal heatshield panel structural concepts. One concept features a sandwich construction with an aluminum...

Orbital Construction of a NTR Mars Transfer Vehicle
This paper examines a reference Nuclear Thermal Mars Transfer Vehicle (NTMTV) in terms of on-orbit construction. The identification of subassemblies, payload manifesting, on-orbit connections,...

Lunar Surface Mining Equipment Study
In response to the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI), a large number of lunar base scenarios have been proposed by various members of the research community. The National Aeronautics...

Preliminary Design of an Underground Lunar Mine
This paper presents a mining engineering viewpoint on the design and construction of an underground lunar mine. Upon completion, the facility will serve as a lunar habitat. Ore removed...

Design Criteria for an Underground Lunar Mine
Underground excavation and construction techniques have been well developed terrestrially and provide an attractive option for lunar mining and habitat construction. The lunar mine, processing...

Sintering of Lunar Glass and Basalt
Sintering of the regolith has been proposed as a method for producing construction materials from local resources at a lunar base. Applications for lunar 'bricks' include road beds, foundations,...

Mechanical Properties of Compacted Lunar Simulant Using New Vacuum Triaxial Equipment
Mechanical stress-strain-strength properties of Arizona Lunar Simulant (ALS) are investigated by using a newly developed vacuum triaxial device that allows compaction under different initial...

The Effect of Multiple Compliant Layers at the Fiber-Matrix Interface on Residual Thermal Stresses in Metal Matrix Composites
The large mismatch in thermoelastic properties of the fiber and matrix phases in advanced metal matrix composites, coupled with high consolidation temperatures, produces severe residual...

Composite Materials for Structures on Planetary Surfaces
Development of structures for planetary surface environments depends upon the use of the most appropriate materials. Advanced composite materials are apparently the best candidates for...

Simple and Efficient Methods to Produce Construction Materials for Lunar and Mars Bases
A microwave heating method and a cold press method are proposed as simple ways to produce construction materials on the Moon and Mars. The present experiment on the microwave heating method...

Steam Injection System for Lunar Concrete
Since January 1989, the Department of Civil Engineering at the United States Air Force Academy has been conducting research on the use of concrete for constructing permanent facilities...

Concrete Construction on the Moon
Building bases on the Moon, according to Space Exploration Initiative, may start in the early 21st century. Concrete, as versatile as it has been, might become the prime material for construction....

Modular Robot Testbed
One approach to non-terrestrial construction involves the use of small, inexpensive, modular robots rather than expensive one-of-a-kind construction tools. The Modular Robots Testbed at...

Outpost Service and Construction Robot (OSCR)
The Outpost Service and Construction Robot (OSCR) is proposed as the prime mover of a comprehensive, synergistic approach to extraterrestrial surface construction, mining and transportation...

Advanced Construction Management for Lunar Base Construction?Surface Operation Planner
The unprecedented task of constructing a lunar base could easily overwhelm any existing terrestrial construction management system. Couple this with the overall need for lunar surface...

Utilization of On-Site Resources for Regenerative Life Support Systems at a Lunar Outpost
Regenerative Life Support Systems (RLSS) will be required to regenerate air, water, and wastes, and to produce food for human consumption during long-duration stays on the Moon. It may...





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