Managing Risks of Hazardous Materials Transportation in Santa Barbara County
This paper presents some potential building blocks which local jurisdictions can pursue to manage the risks associated with hazardous materials transportation (HMT). The recent experience...

StateGEN/StateNET and DOT Guidelines: Tools for Highway Routing of Hazardous Materials
Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy Office, of Defense Programs, Sandia National Laboratories' Transportation Technology Center has developed computerized...

Are We Ready to Face the Geotechnical Challenges of the 21st Century?
The geotechnical engineering profession faces a bright future as many of the issues of interest to society today relate in some form to knowledge of earth sciences. Hazardous waste, environmental...

Statistical Evaluation of CPT and DMT Measurements at the Heber Road Site
A series of field tests were conducted at several sites in the Imperial Valley, South California from 1983 to 1985. The field testing program included cone penetration, dilatometer, standard...

An Inexpensive Automatic Control System for Soil Testing
This paper describes an inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing. The system comprises a microcomputer, an analog to digital converter, a relay board, and solenoid valves....

Automation in Soils Testing Facility USAE Waterways Experiment Station
Automation is a powerful tool that when used intelligently can increase production, minimize cost, and improve production in any testing laboratory. The Soils Testing Facility (STF) at...

Hurricane Hugo's Effect on Marina Structures
The author has visited over twenty-five sites along the South Carolina coast and in Puerto Rico to ascertain the effects of Hurricane Hugo on marina facilities. Types of structures evaluated...

Lessons Learned About the Building Code Process?The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Building codes and standards exist to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry. Concern must also be given to the need to safeguard the economy lest major changes in...

Offshore Oil Terminals?Potential Role in U.S. Petroleum Distribution
The construction of port facilities in deep water, several miles seaward from the nations's coastline, is one of the measures that have been suggested for reducing oil tanker...

Case Study: Downdrift Benefits Four Miles and Six Years from a Gravelly Beach Nourishment on Lake Michigan
A Corps of Engineers gravel feeder-beach nourishment at New Buffalo, MI, in late 1980 - early 1981 gave an excellent opportunity to observe the downdrift progress of the gravel. This paper...

Increased Attention to Ocean and Coastal Protection Legislation in the 101st Congress
For all the grumbling about the ineffectiveness of Congress, the 101st Congress produced a surprising number of critical pieces of coastal- and ocean-related legislation, and began the...

Radical Environmentalism, The New Approach: The Removal of Oil as a Primary Goal of Oil Spill Clean Up
In this paper the author examines the alternative methods of abating a catastrophic oil spill and compares these methods to the controlled burning of an oil spill using a fire-resistant...

The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force
The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, consisting of government representatives from Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Oregon, and California, formed in 1989 in response...

California's Oil Spill Prevention and Cleanup Preparedness?Anatomy of an Emerging Public Policy
This paper provides a discussion and analysis of the development of oil spill prevention and cleanup policy in California, particularly as it evolved after the major oil spills in the...

Oil-Spill Contingency Planning for OCS Operations
Oil-spill preparedness and response have been an important part of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulatory program since the Santa Barbara spill in 1969. The focus of the spill...

Offshore Platform Structural Verification and Requalification?The Regulator's Viewpoint of Aging Platforms
The regulator's viewpoint of the structural verification and requalification of aging offshore oil platforms is crucial to the continued production of oil and gas. For the...

The Case for Managed Open Water Disposal of Sediments Containing Low Levels of Dioxin
Between 6 and 8 million cubic yards of material is dredged annually from the 240 miles of federal channels and approximately one million linear feet of berthage of the Port of New York/New...

OCS Oil and Gas Off South Florida?Developing a Consensus on the Facts
Drilling for oil and gas in the area north of the Florida Keys has been a contentious issue over the last several years. To help provide an understanding of the effects of exploration...

Cleaning North America's Beaches?Volunteers Across America Monitor the Quality of Our Coasts
The Center for Marine Conservation (CMC) has established a National Marine Debris Database to involve citizens in the collection of standardized information on marine debris. A comparison...

Reactivation of the Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) Facility
The Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) was run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 1974 to 1988. This open-air tank was used to test...





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