Prefabricated Power Plants, Experience and Prospects
This paper presents the prefabrication concept applied to the Greenup (Greenup Locks and Dam, Ohio River, 72 MW, 1982) and the Sydney A. Murray, Jr. (Old River Control Structures, Vidalia,...
Rocky Mountain Project?Overview
The Rocky Mountain Project, in Northwest Georgia, will be a three unit hydroelectric pumped-storage project with 850,000 kW installed in an above ground powerhouse. The gross water volumes...
Hydraulic Model Studies?Pak Mun Hydroelectric Project (Thailand)
The paper presents briefly the hydraulic problems related to the project which were successfully solved by the 1 to 100 scale hydraulic model study carried out at the Asian Institute of...
Hydraulic Aspects of West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Development
Construction of a 7,500 kilowatt hydroelectric plant at the end of a 70 kilometer long water supply tunnel posed unusual hydraulic conditions that needed special consideration. Cooperation...
A Rocky Mountain Project Intake/Discharge Channel Flow Simulation Study
A two-dimensional depth-integrated finite element flow model was applied to evaluate pumping and generating flow conditions at the Rocky Mountain Project powerhouse intake/discharge channel....
Physical Hydraulic Modeling for Construction of New York State Dam Hydroelectric Project
The New York State Dam is located on the Mohawk River near its confluence with the Hudson River. Downstream from the dam, the river flow is divided into four main channels as the water...
Field Tests of a Lewiston Pump-Generating Unit
An extensive field test program was undertaken on a Lewiston Pump-Generating Plant (LPGP) unit at the Niagara Power Project, owned and operated by the New York Power Authority. The objective...
Hydraulic Design and Development of Propeller Replacement Runner for R. H. Saunders
This paper outlines the hydraulic design for the R.H. Saunders replacement runner. The six-bladed propeller runner was numerically optimized based on 3-dimensional flow simulation. After...
Evaluation of Turbine Intake Velocity Criteria
The paper addresses the effect of intake flow distribution on turbine performance at low-head projects. Field and model test data are used to raise the question of whether typical turbine...
Hydraulic Transients in the Operation of Small Hydro Plants
Adequate governing stability is a primary consideration for most large hydroelectric generating units. However, almost all small units installed recently in the United States are intended...
Manasan Ice Control Structure Rehabilitation & Bypass Designs
Ice control works built on the Burntwood River at Manasan Falls were damaged during the 1985 spring break-up. The ice boom had broken and the lowered pond level indicated that the rockfill...
Through-Flow Analysis for Rockfill Dam Stability Evaluations
Existing rockfill dams may have spillways that are not adequate to pass the current probable maximum flood (PMF), having been designed prior to the publication of the latest Hydrometeorological...
Frazil Ice Problems and Solutions at Hydro-Power Intakes
Active and passive frazil ice effects on hydroelectric plant intake design and operation are described and references are provided. The most frequently encountered problems and the basic...
Pressure Control Studies for PG&E's 20 MW Grizzly Hydroelectric Project
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Grizzly Hydroelectric Project consists of a single 20 MW Francis turbine under 700 feet head located near the existing Bucks Creek Project....
Modernization of the Schoolfield Dam Hydroelectric Powerhouse
This case study describes the retrofitting of a turn-of-the-century powerhouse with modern turbine/generator equipment. The structure consists of numerous turbine bays separated by massive...
Manufacturing Planning 4 ? 440 MW Turbines Short Delivery
DBS Escher Wyss Inc. is building the largest turbines ever to be manufactured in Canada for the third expansion of the Tarbela project in Pakistan; four (4) Francis turbines each rated...
A Case Study, Large Versus Small
This paper will review the hydraulic comparisons between the Lock and Dam No. 13 Hydropower Project, a 33-MW, low-head generating station near Fort Smith, Arkansas, and the Murray Hydroelectric...
Sidney A. Murray, Jr. Hydroelectric Power Plant Turbine Hydraulic Design and Testing
This paper describes the project design concept, highlighting the choice of turbine type and capacity. Model testing and analysis of control by downstream gate is an important feature...
Penstock Monitoring System in Active Landslide Areas
During initial planning of a high-head, five megawatt hydroelectric plant in Northern California, it was identified that the entire three-mile length of a 40 inches welded steel penstock...
New Demands for Hydro Unit Inspection and Preventive Maintenance
As the hydro industry enters the 90's, special interest has been drawn to the fundamental practice of hydro unit inspection and maintenance. New demands on hydropower equipment...
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