Potholes East Canal Headworks Project
The construction of 6.5 MW Potholes East Canal Headworks in Washington required near vertical excavation of about 100 ft (30 m) through the existing earthfill dam founded on columnar basalt....
Geotechnical Aspects of the Underground Excavations at the Kemano Completion Project
The Kemano Completion Project is the addition of four generators of 540 MW installed capacity to an existing eight-unit underground hydroelectric generating station owned and operated...
Innovative Design for Diversion
A conventional diversion scheme to facilitate construction of the 120 m high rockfill dam for the Beni Haroun project in Algeria would have required three 10 m diameter diversion tunnels....
Rocky Mountain Project Power Tunnel Filling Test
The Rocky Mountain Project, a pumped storage development located in NW Georgia, is owned jointly by Oglethorpe Power Corporation and Georgia Power Company. Initial construction included...
Soil Nails as Temporary Powerhouse Support
Newcastle Powerhouse was constructed as an underground structure with its top deck at the finished ground surface. The powerhouse is three-quarter circular and one-quarter square in plan....
Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project (Malaysia)
The Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project is located in the State of Perak in Peninsular Malaysia. It is a run-of-river project on steep mountain streams in dense tropical jungle. Nine intakes,...
An Alternative Approach to the Maximum Flood Concept
This paper outlines an alternative to the current approach for determining the maximum flood of river basins. The condition of the maximum flood is derived from the convolution integral...
Satellite Imagery Refines PMF Determination
This paper focuses on electromagnetic energy sensors, and describes how they are being used to determine the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a drainage basin in Michigan. Remote sensing...
Rocky Mountain Project?Probable Maximum Floods
Probable maximum floods (PMF's) were estimated for use in designing spillways for the lower reservoir main dam and two auxiliary pool dams at the Rocky Mountain pumped-storage...
Validation Studies on Indexed Sequential Modeling for the Colorado River Basin
A method called indexed sequential modeling (ISM) has been developed by the Western Area Power Administration to estimate reliable levels of project dependable power capacity (PDC) and...
Utilizing Wetlands for Stormwater Retention
The design steps an engineer uses to develop natural wetlands to provide flood control while continuing to retain their natural functions will be analyzed. This paper will include a discussion...
Operation of Hydropower Plants Considering Daily Streamflows
Operation of hydropower plants is a sequential decision process often modeled as a dynamic programming problem. Typically, such formulations consider monthly stages assuming that monthly...
Streamflow Gaging in a Remote Area Using Cellular Telephone Telemetry
A case study will be presented describing the utilization of cellular phone technology in a remote sensing situation. Because expected annual energy estimates are vital in planning small...
Implications of the 1987-1990 Droughts for Hydropower Generation at Reclamation Powerplants
Droughts in the western United States beginning in 1987 have caused water supply shortages and required rationing of water in some areas. The reductions in water supply have also impacted...
Assessment of Changes at Glen Canyon Dam
This paper describes the complexity associated with the assessment of financial impacts of proposed and actual short-term restrictions at Glen Canyon Dam. The reasons for these restrictions...
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Multiple Reservoir Operation
The modeling of complex river basins using symbolic computer languages, object-oriented programming and knowledge-based reasoning facilitates, the application of optimization techniques...
Evaluating Hydro Project Benefits with the POWRSYM Production Cost Model
The contribution that a hydro peaking project or pumped-storage project makes to reducing system operating costs can be determined only by modeling the project's operation...
Consideration of Sedimentation on Hydropower Projects
Experience gained by analysis of a number of hydropower projects throughout the world leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider sediment related aspects in the design and...
Columbia River System Operation Review
For many years hydroelectric power has been a surplus commodity in the Pacific Northwest. However, this picture has been changing rapidly in recent years. Increasing pressures for use...
An Improved Incremental Economic Dispatch Method for Hydroelectric Generators with Nonconvex Energy Production Cost Curves
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has undertaken a program to improve water resource management at its hydroelectric powerplants. One feature of the resource optimization program...
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