Containment Model ? Test Program and Results
Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) completed the testing of a 1:6-scale containment building for a Light Water Reactor (LWR) in July 1987. The containment building was made of reinforced...

What's Wrong With Superfund
In nine years of the federal government's Superfund program, $4 billion has been spent and only 38 of the 1,175 sites on the national priority list have been cleaned. There...

On-Site Incineration
A variety of equipment is now available for incinerating hazardous wastes in situ. Thermal treatment, compared to land disposal, offers limited liability and immediate destruction. It...

Fast Tracking Military Waste
The installation restoration program, the military version of Superfund, helped fast track the cleanup contracts for four military hazwaste sites located at Hanscom Air Field, Bedford,...

The Saga of Senate Bill 2067
With the advent of the California Superfund program, liability related to toxic waste cleanup became a critical issue in California. The state had no authority to indemnify consultants...

Accelerating Electrons
At a wastewater treatment plant in Miami, five scientists have pointed a 1.5 million v `e-beam' at pathogens and hazardous chemicals. It's the only full-scale...

Characteristics of a Structure-Foundation System
The dynamic characteristics of the structure-foundation system of a 1/4 -scale nuclear power plant containment model is studied using seismic records. The model structure is treated as...

Seismic Isolation of Nuclear Plants: A World Overview
The French were first to apply seismic isolation to the design of nuclear structures. Two large Pressurized Water Reactor plants (PWR) were isolated; the two unit Koeberg station in South...

Membranes in Water Treatment
Membrane technology, using reverse osmosis to treat drinking water, is a promising alternative to conventional treatment. The method is now being used for desalination in a growing number...

The Model Cleanup
Standards for hazardous waste site cleanups may be inappropriate or inadequate to protect the public health. Civil engineers responsible for remediation decisions need to know about the...

Buying Tomorrow's Water
Cities are finding that selling future access rights to sewer and water treatment plants can get them needed expansion capital. Although the access rights system is similar to development...

High Hopes for Cattails
As other areas of wastewater treatment go high tech, man-made wetlands are treating wastewater from small towns and coal mines. Plants are grown in about 1 ft of water. Suspended solids...

Jet Grout Stabilization of Peaty Soils Under a Railway Embankment in Italy
The construction of two railway embankments on a peaty soil deposit up to 7m thick required a foundation improvement program meeting very strict specifications in terms of environmental...

Consolidation Grouting Operations for Kirkwood Penstock
Kirkwood Penstock, which is part of the Hetch Hetchy water system of the City of San Francisco, California exhibited evidence of settlement and local extension following extraordinarily...

Selection of Marine Bioindicators for Monitoring Radioactive Wastes Released from Nuclear Power Plants
The Brazilian Nuclear Program comprises the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, in operational tests; the Angra II Nuclear Power Plant, under construction, expected to be completed in 1992; and...

In Situ Determinations of Dispersion and Transport Parameters at Piraquara De Fora (RJ)?Brazil, With Help of a Fluorescent Dye Tracer
This paper deals with 'in situ' determinations of the transport and dispersion parameters at Piraquara de Fora cove, near the site where the first Brazilian nuclear...

Heavy Metals Pollution Monitoring Through the Critical Pathways Analysis: The Sepetiba Bay Case
The methodology of the critical pathway analysis has been widely employed to monitor the environmental impact of nuclear power plants in the aquatic environment. This methodology has been...

Automated Design of Wastewater Plants
Computers have been used for individual steps in design of wastewater treatment plants, and now these steps have been tied together, linked by an aggregate computer program the designers...

Sulfide in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
ASCE Manual 69, Manual of Practice on Sulfide in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems, is intended to help planners, designers, and operators of wastewater facilities understand...

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...





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