City of Federal Way Panther Lake Surface Water Study?A Case Study of HSPF Modelling in Urban Detention Basins
This paper presents a case study of using Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) as a tool for sizing large urban detention facilities. The Panther Lake drainage basin is a textbook...

Water Quality Model of the Chicago Waterway
In 1992, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (the District) developed a QUAL2E water quality model of the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois waterway. The model...

Simulation of Water Quality Processes in the Chicago Waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency QUAL2E-UNCAS (QUAL2EU) computer program was used to simulate the water quality processes in the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems....

Impacts of Hydropower Operation on Water Supply from Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas is both a water and energy supplier to a large area of Central Texas. LCRA generates approximately 10 percent of its power from hydroelectric...

Optimal Utilization of a Multi-Reservoir Water Distribution System
A water supply distribution system planning model (DSPM) has been developed using a linear programming approach. Unlike the conventional formulation, the water demand requirements are...

Reliability Curves for Reservoir Performance
Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has developed a family of reservoir guide curves that illustrate reliabilities when storage conditions gradually decline from 98% to as...

GIS Reconstruction of Exposure to Water Supply Contaminants
Groundwater pollution resulting from improper waste handling practices in the aerospace industry contaminated the water supply in Tucson, Arizona. State and federal health officials concluded...

Computerized Data Processing and Geographic Information Systems Applications for Development of a 3-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Model
A 3-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model was developed for a 100 square mile area located in the Santa Clara Valley, California. The model development relied upon data base and...

Seasonal Water Quality Management Given Sparse Data
An approach for designing robust seasonal water quality management programs for river basins with sparse or short flow records is presented. This approach uses Markov chain modelling and...

Development of a Raw Water Master Plan Model to Assist Long Range Drought and Water Conservation Planning for the City of Louisville, Colorado
The City of Louisville, a municipal corporation charged with meeting the water demands of almost 5,000 water accounts and faced with a diminishing supply of available senior water rights...

Application of Computer Support for Water Quality Management
A Computer-Aided Support System for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS river water quality model has been developed for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coastal Region....

CASS for Evaluating Hg Contamination in Clear Lake, CA
Characterization of ecosystem contamination and evaluation of potential mitigation schemes represent two of the most immediate challenges to management of water resources. Heavy metals...

Graphics User Interface for Water Quality Model Calibration
The UC Davis Water Resources Modeling Group developed a unique Graphical Use Interface (GUI) in the Microsoft Windows environment to facilitate use of the stream mode QUAL2E for the Russian...

Evolving Institutions for Managing the ACF Basin
The ACF basin is a case of interstate conflict in resource management. This study looks at the planning underway with regard to mechanisms for managing the basin....

Water Management by Endangered Species
In California, water management decisions are being driven by endangered species considerations. Traditional project formulation and operational criteria seemingly are unimportant. The...

Innovation and Diversification?The Key to our Future Water Supply
Water resources management must modernize, innovate, and diversify to meet the challenges of tomorrow: reliable water supply sources of acceptable quality, a cost-effective approach to...

Local Agency Regulation: The Policies and Process of Surface Water Protection
King County, Washington, adopted a Surface Water Design Manual in January 1990. This manual, which has served as a resource guide in developing similar manuals throughout the Pacific Northwest...

Ag-To-Urban Water Transfer in California: Win-Win Solutions
Water transfers from farms to the cities are widely viewed as the next major source of supply to urban California. Ag-to-Urban permanent water transfers may have negative consequences...

Water Supply Systems Planning with Water Transfers
This study examines the recent use of water transfers in California, particularly during the current drought. The emphasis is on how planners and operators of federal, state, and local...

Water Allocation: Matching Supply with Demand
The Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project was designed in the 1930's as a supplemental water supply for water users in northeastern Colorado. Since that time the water allocation has shifted...





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