Cooperation: Solving the California Water Problem
The water picture in California is changing rapidly. Water professionals, to say nothing of the public at large, are hard-pressed to keep up with new technical information and changing...

Regulatory Perspective on Ground Water Pollution Cleanup in the Santa Clara Valley
The Santa Clara Valley is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay and serves as the home of approximately 1.2 million people. Approximately 40% of the Valley's water...

Do the Right Thing
Engineers and scientists at the Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems (CADSWES) are developing software to support water resource and environmental decision...

Oil Spills
Management and Legislative Implications
Oil Spills: Management and Legislative Implications is the proceedings of a conference held in Newport, Rhode Island, May 15-18, 1990. The...

Supplying Water and Saving the Environment for Six Billion People
This proceedings was presented at the 1990 Annual Civil Engineering Convention and Exposition in San Francisco, California on November 5-8, 1990. Out of the 47 sessions presented at the...

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
This proceedings represents an edited selection of papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources, held in Santa Barbara, California...

Surface Water Hydrology
A brief history is presented of activities in surface water hydrology by the Hydraulics Division since 1938. Included is an historical review of division activities in such areas as precipitation...

Contributions by the Hydraulics Division of ASCE to the Advancement of Ground-Water Hydrology
Papers related to ground-water hydrology published in Proceedings of the ASCE and in Hydraulics Division journals from 1938 through mid-1988 are briefly summarized. The areas covered are...

Research in ASCE's Hydraulics Division
Research in the Hydraulics Division of ASCE during the last 50 years has undergone changes in both technical content and procedures. Open channel flow, sediment transport and pipe flow...

Backbarrier Beaches on a Developed Shoreline
The purpose of this paper is to identify the nature and magnitude of alterations to backbarrier environments on Island Beach Spit, NJ. This location was selected because it has different...

Protecting Undeveloped Barrier Islands?A Florida Case Study
Although most of Florida's large barrier islands have been partially or fully developed and their natural resource values jeopardized, several smaller islands along the coasts,...

Coastal Barrier Resources Act Report to Congress
The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) of 1982 established a system of 186 coastal barriers along the U.S. coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, and prohibited within this...

The Coastal Management Program in Brazil
As a proposal to guide the rational utilization of coastal resources, the Brazilian government established the National Coastal Zone Management Plan (PNGC), according to the Federal Law...

Environmental Economic factors of the Southern Brazilian Coast
The goal of this study is a large-scale synthesis of the ecological and economic characteristics of the Southern Brazilian Coast. The coastal area is formed by a watershed, a lagoon, and...

Input Management: A Proposal for the Largest Coastal Lagoon in Brazil
Principles of General System Theory and Energy Analysis are used to study the best management technique al Lagoa dos Patos (in southern Brazil), including its watershed and contiguous...

Management of Fisheries in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
To improve the interdisciplinary knowledge and to subdivide the problem in bio-ecological sectors, international committees recommend the development of integrated evaluation groups. On...

Importance, Establishment and Management Plan of the Parque Nacional Marinhos Dos Abrolhos, Brazil
On April 6th, 1983, the 'Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos' (PARNA) was created by a decree of the Brazilian Presidency. The PARNA was established with two...

The Distribution of PCB Contaminated Sediment in the Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan
Heightened environmental awareness beginning in the 1970s focused upon lowering contaminant levels in the Kalamazoo River system through the improvement of water quality. The Michigan...

Transport of Injected Produced Water: A Sensitivity Study
This paper deals with the development and application of a model to assess potential environmental effects on Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDW) due to the presence of an improperly...

Generating Instream Recreational Alternatives
A methodology combining an optimization model and a spreadsheet program is presented to assist resource managers in developing and evaluating instream recreational alternatives. Recreational...





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