Selection of Marine Bioindicators for Monitoring Radioactive Wastes Released from Nuclear Power Plants
The Brazilian Nuclear Program comprises the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, in operational tests; the Angra II Nuclear Power Plant, under construction, expected to be completed in 1992; and...

Hydrobiological Characterization of Guanabara Bay
Guanabara Bay forms an ecological unity with serious environmental problems derived from an accelerated and unorganized process of urbanization without the necessary support. The UFRJ/Institute...

Vertical Distribution of Barnacles of the Intertidal Rocky Shores of Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil
This paper aims to give a quantitative analysis, using the belt-transect method, to describe the Balanomorpha species vertical zonation models of the intertidal in the rocky beaches of...

Heavy Metals Pollution Monitoring Through the Critical Pathways Analysis: The Sepetiba Bay Case
The methodology of the critical pathway analysis has been widely employed to monitor the environmental impact of nuclear power plants in the aquatic environment. This methodology has been...

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...

Expert Systems for Assessment of Radon Gas
This paper covers a brief discussion of enviro-geotechnical aspects of radioactive toxic radon gas. Basic information required for assessment and controlling this gas is summarized and...

Occupational and Environmental Exposures to Radon: A Perspective for Mitigators
Occupational exposures to radon and radon decay products and the associated high incidence of radiation induced lung cancer form the basis for our present-day concern for limiting exposures...

Radon Entry & Control Versus Indoor Dynamics
The measurements of air infiltration, interzonal transport and exfiltration as the diagnostic procedures have been significantly influential in the selection, implementation and evaluation...

Gamma Exposure from Rn Progeny in GAC Units
An investigation into the gamma exposure rate generated by granular activated carbon (GAC) water treatment units focused on ten sites that covered a range of source radon (Rn) in water...

Technical Issues Related to Emission Releases from Subslab Radon Mitigation Systems
Surveys of government and private sector radon mitigation activities indicate that subslab radon mitigation systems account for more than 50 percent of all installed systems. Such systems...

Removal of Priority Pollutants in Wastewater by Secondary Treatment and Groundwater Recharge
Monitoring influent and effluent wastewater for organic priority pollutants at two Tucson-area treatment facilities has shown significant removal rates for commonly detected pollutants....

Radon Resistant New Construction Practices
This paper highlights the basic principles for building radon-resistant houses and it groups the construction techniques into four categories, i.e., the barrier approach, soil ventilation...

Estimating Soil Gas Flow Rates and Identifying Entry Routes in a Dwelling Using Multiple Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Passive monitoring of indoor air and below basement floor (subslab) soil gas for radon and perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) gas concentration was conducted to investigate the influence of...

Indoor Radon: Site Evaluation
The soil parameters most important in evaluating the indoor radon potential of a building site are the soil radium concentration, the soil-gas radon concentration and the permeability...

Pressure Differences Affecting Radon Entry in New Residential Construction
Various conditions in a house can commonly produce house negative pressures up to 20 Pascals relative to the soil gas pressure. Depressurization of the house relative to the soil gas will...

Cost of Radon Control Measures in New Construction
Installation of a radon prevention system in new construction increases costs to builders and to homebuyers as well. Builders and/or their engineers will need to assess different approaches...

Management of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills
Sanitary landfills remain the most common form of solid waste disposal in America. However, environmentalists are concerned about the degradation of ground water by leachate, which is...

Modeling of Gaseous Emission from Landfills and Other Area Sources
Several dispersion models based on the Gaussian equation are evaluated to assess their relative utility in modeling emission dispersion from an area source, such as a landfill. The VAPOR...

Instrumentation of Landfill Cover Liners: Moisture Transport Studies
Accurate estimation of the amount of water leaking through the cover liner, into the landfill, is vital for estimating the possible amount of leachate that can be generated into a landfill...

Ft. Huachuca, AZ Fire Site Hazardous Waste Remedial Action
The paper discusses an investigation of the site of a major fire at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. All of the fire debris contained asbestos. The sampling results confirmed that PCB levels of...





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