New Methodology for Optimization of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries
The objective of this paper is to present a new methodology for determining the optimal fresh water inflows into bays and estuaries to maximize fish harvest while satisfying the freshwater...

Tidal Propagation in a Distorted Model
A largely analytical study of tidal flow in the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta system provides the basis of an investigation of physical model distortion on tidal circulation in a complicated...

A Model of Mixing in a Stratified Tidal Flow
We will describe a simple model of vertical mixing in a stratified tidal flow that might be observed in shallow estuary like San Francisco Bay. The model flow is driven by a specified...

Yolo Bypass Wetlands?Impact Investigation
Approximately 20 square kilometers of wetland facilities are proposed to be installed within the Yolo Bypass of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project. A hydraulic impact investigation...

Flow and Scour Near an Abutment
Laboratory experiments were used in conjunction with a two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical flow model, RBFVM-2D, to investigate the relationship between flow velocity distribution...

Scour Prediction Model at Bridge Abutments
A model to predict local abutment scour is presented. The model is based on a large number of laboratory experiments over the past half century. The dependent variable, a ratio that includes...

Water Surface Profile Computations?How Many Sections do I Need?
One-dimensional streamflow models, including standard-step models, require a sufficient number of cross sections to satisfy two needs. First, a sufficient number of cross sections must...

Simulation of River Bed Evolution Below Tsengwen Reservoir in Taiwan
An uncoupled, one-dimensional river model, capable of simulating bed evolution, hydraulic sorting and armoring under unsteady flow conditions is presented in this paper. This unsteady...

On the Applicable Ranges of Kinematic and Diffusion Models in Open Channels
The kinematic and diffusion models using simplified momentum equations of the full dynamic equation have been frequently used for numerical flow simulations, because they have several...

Predicting Water Quality at Municipal Water Intakes?Part I: Application to the Contra Costa Canal Intake
The factors affecting water quality at a municipal surface water intake in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are discussed. A model is developed that successfully predicts the seawater...

Simulating THM Precursors Transport with DWRDSM
A study was conducted by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to demonstrate the ability of its Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) to simulate fate and movement of inorganic...

Particle Tracking Model for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the movement and fate of individual particles in a water column in an estuarine environment. The developed model not only keeps track...

A Study of Lateral Bed Slopes Developed at Bend
A study was conducted to compare seven actual cross section profiles of Philip Bayou Realignment with the lateral bed slopes estimated from the model derived by Ikeda titled `Sediment...

Nonuniform Transient Sediment Transport Modeling
A numerical model based on Lai's (1991) multimode scheme for fully coupled simulation of water and sediment movement in mobile-bed alluvial channels with nonuniform bed materials has been...

Computation of Flow Past a Cylinder Mounted on a Flat Plate
The surface shear stress distribution in the vicinity of a circular cylinder - mounted normal to a rigid flat plate - produced by the three-dimensional flow past it, is investigated numerically...

A Model for Vertical Transport at a Sheared Density Interface
A physically based model for vertical mixing and transport at a sheared density interface is presented, based on high-resolution measurements from laboratory experiments. It is found that...

Operational and Structural Optimisation of Hydraulic Structures for Light Liquid Removal
The removal efficiency of light liquid separation schemes is determined by the hydraulic inflow conditions, the inflow fluid properties and the separator hydraulics. The relating set of...

Emergency Protection, San Luis Rey River Aqueducts
A calibrated hydraulic computer model (FLUVIAL-12) was used to predict flood damage potential at the two San Diego Aqueduct river crossings in northern San Diego County. Model results...

Problems with Numerical Modeling of Gravel-Bed Rivers
Inherent to one-dimensional numerical models are the assumptions that hydraulic parameters can be assigned a characteristic average value, and that the flow is gradually varied so that...

Using a Numerical Model to Evaluate Striped Bass Management Scenarios in the Sacremento-San Joaquin Delta, California
Since the mid-1970's, the striped bass, Morone saxatilus, population in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California has been declining. The primary suspected cause of the decline is associated...





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