Seismic Hazard Estimation in the Eastern U.S.
Probable seismic hazard is generally estimated considering five elements: 1) seismicity; 2) source radiation; 3) wave propagation (attenuation); 4) site response; and 5) ground failure....

Largest and Characteristic Earthquakes in the U.S. East of the Rocky Mountains
A new statistical procedure is proposed for the estimation of maximum earthquake magnitude M in intraplate regions. Starting from a historical catalog of events and a seismotectonic classification...

Seismic Ground Motion and Attenuation Relationships
A key element in the assessment of seismic hazard is the estimation of how energy from a given earthquake is affected by crustal structure along the propagation path. There are recognized...

Development of Seismic Hazards Data Base
A seismic hazards data base has been developed as a research tool for the engineering and seismology communities. The data base, which is still growing, currently contains information...

Graphic Demonstration of Seismic Hazards Data Base
A seismic hazards data base has been developed as a research tool for the engineering and seismology communities. The data base presently holds five categories of data, the largest of...

Stochastic Wave Models for Seismic Ground Motion
In order to describe the nature of ground motion arising from a propagating seismic wave, a stochastic wave model has been developed here and an efficient technique for digitally generating...

Seismic Ground Motions for Lifeline Analysis
The spatial variation of seismic ground motions necessary for lifeline analysis is determined from a stochastic source model combined with a substitute system representing the equivalent...

Simple Damage Predictors for Large-Scale Seismic Risk Mapping
Although it is now recognized that there is a risk of moderate seismic activity in the Eastern United States, many existing buildings were not designed for earthquake forces. To evaluate...

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Shear Wall Structures
This paper presents an analytical method to generate seismic fragility curves for shear wall structures. Uncertainties in earthquake motion and structure are quantified by evaluating uncertainties...

Response Modification Factors for Buildings and Bridges
Response Modification Factors (RMF) are often used for the seismic design and the safety evaluation of buildings and bridges. The advantage of using RMF is to account for the nonlinear...

Seismic Response of Structures and Reliability Design
This paper develops a modified SRSS Method which allows a designer to select the reliability that he wishes to realize in each of the various elements of a given structure subjected to...

Wind Vs. Seismic Design
This paper is concerned with the reliability analysis of building structures subjected to multiple natural hazards (seismic and wind in this case) within the framework of contemporary...

Iterative Subsystem Analysis for Seismic Monte Carlo Studies
Three iterative subsystem analysis techniques for Monte Carlo simulation of response time histories are examined. The three subsystems are designated primary, secondary, and interface,...

Reliability and Design Criteria for Secondary Systems
In seismic design and analysis of secondary systems housed in structures, the most widely used approximate method is the floor response spectra approach. In this paper, necessary modifications...

Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Water Delivery Systems
The response and vulnerability of straight segmented buried pipelines subject to seismic wave propagation are investigated in this paper. Seismic damage to buried pipelines is briefly...

Pipeline Field Experiment at Parkfield, CA
A field experiment designed to investigate the performance of buried pipelines at a fault crossing has been constructed near Parkfield, CA. The site was chosen to capitalize on the predicted...

Graphical Demonstration of Serviceability Analysis
A graphical interactive computer program (GISALLE) has been developed using state of the art computer graphics to estimate the seismic performance of water supply systems. GISALLE is developed...

Development of Fragility Curves for Liquefaction
The purpose of this study is to propose a methodology for evaluation of the degree of liquefaction potential and to demonstrate its applicability in constructing fragility curves for liquefaction...

Response Analysis of Crude Oil Transmission Systems
A preliminary analysis of the seismic response of continuous steel pipelines is presented. The Crude Oil Transmission System in the New Madrid Mo. area is choosen as an example. Assumptions...

Identification of a Site-Specific Ground Motion Model
The power spectral density and envelope function of earthquake ground accelerations at a site of interest are determined with the aid of system identification based on information predicted...





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