A Nationwide Survey of Civil Engineering-Related R&D
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. Sponsored by CERF and the National Science Foundation, with technical support from Aspen Systems Corporation. ...

Doing Our Work Better
An important skill a new engineer must learn is how to figure out the real issues affecting a project. This skill requires the ability to screen many ideas. Engineers have got this skill...

Managing Problems Associated with Using Computer Programs
Everyone says they want to use computers. Yet, there are still some people who avoid using computers whenever they can. Also, some managers still resist using the latest computer technology....

Once you start to work for a local government you will hear a constant flow of warnings and gripes about the citizens. It is as if nobody understands that the customers we serve are the...

Elected Officials
Schools and organizations train engineers to use facts. But, engineers are often content to base decisions on their opinions. While engineering judgment is an important part of the professional...

Skills for Local Government
One job every engineer must do is craft their philosophy of engineering. That is, they must bring together the rules they will use to guide and shape their engineering form. This philosophy...

Technician or Manager
After working awhile many engineers want to go back to school, or learn new skills. There are two reasons for this. One is that we perceive training as the key to advancement. Another...

Folks get set in their ways early in life. After they reach their early 20's it is hard to change them much. Still, the first job that an engineer gets can cause some important...

As the Clock Winds Down
This chapter discusses the waning stages of negotiations....

The Assessment of Armourstone for Shoreline Protection
To protect shorelines from erosion, Ontario Hydro is using armourstone at various Generating Stations along the perimeter of the Great Lakes. Armourstone is carefully evaluated prior to...

Roller Compacted Concrete III
This proceedings, Roller Compacted Concrete III, includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference held in San Diego, California on...

Tomorrow's Schools
While what's wrong with education looms as a national concern, many communities are doing something positive about it. They're constructing new schools designed...

Dams Going Safely over the Top
Many older dams can't pass updated design floods without overtopping the embankment crest. Conventional upgrade methods, enlarging spillways or raising crests, are expensive....

Coastal Engineering?The Past!, The Present!, The Future?
The author discusses past and present practices of coastal engineering, and speculates on the diredctions that the profession will take in the future. Also discussed is the question of...

Numerical Beach Profile Modelling for Beachfill Projects
The use of beachfill in addressing coastal erosion problems is becoming increasingly popular. It is often more attractive than the conventional structural approaches for economic, aesthetic...

Experience with Beach Fill Equilibration and Recommended Design Guidelines
Well documented engineering procedures suitable for determining design berm dimensions subsequent to profile equilibration appear to be lacking. Failure to properly account for cross-shore...

Short Beach Nourishment Fill Performance on an Irregular Coatline
A review of the beach nourishment fill performance literature reveals that the accepted and proven theories of beach fill performance can be categorized as either one-line models or analytic...

Design of Protective Dunes at Dam Neck, Virginia
Dunes act as a primary coastal defense against inundation in the Netherlands and the Dutch Government has devoted considerable effort towards development of reliable procedures for the...

Military Techniques for Expedient Repair of Earthquake Damaged Harbor Infrastructure
Logistical support of military forces in the theater of operations during conventional warfare by shipment of large volumes of containerized cargo requires sustained use of strategic port...

57 Years of Coastal Engineering Practice at a Problem Inlet: Indian River Inlet, Delaware
This paper presents a review of Indian River Inlet's behavior in its natural state prior to jetty construction and summarizes the level of understanding of coastal processes and inlet-bay...





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