Data Quality Assurance Controls Through the WIPP in Situ Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Management System
Assurance of data quality for the in situ tests fielded at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is of critical importance. These tests supply the information for development and verification...

The Systems Integration Modeling System
The Systems Integration Modeling System (SIMS) is an analysis tool for the detailed evaluation of the structure and related performance of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Evaluating and Controlling the Characteristics of the Nuclear Waste in the FWMS Using Waste Stream Analysis Model
The Waste Stream Analysis (WSA) Model is used by the Department of Energy to model the time and location dependent properties of the nuclear waste stream in the Federal Waste Managements...

Systems Integration Operations/Logistics Model (SOLMOD)
SOLMOD is a discrete event simulation model written in FORTRAN 77 and operates in a VAX or PC environment. The model emulates the movement and interaction of equipment and radioactive...

A Systems Engineering Cost Analysis Capability for Use in Assessing Nuclear Waste Management System Cost Performance
The System Engineering Cost Analysis (SECA) capability has been developed by the System Integration Branch of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive...

The Coordination of System Representation and Operating Assumptions for System Studies in SIMS
Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Incorporation of Reprocessing Raffinates and High Level Solids in Cement
Reprocessing highly enriched uranium fuel from UKAEA Materials Testing Reactors produces highly active aqueous raffinate. This is currently stored. The UK strategy is for raffinate immobilisation,...

High Level Waste Management at Sellafield
Reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel has been carried out at Sellafield since 1952, when reprocessing of fuel from the original UK air-cooled reactors began. In 1964 a second reprocessing...

Influence of High Burn Up Nuclear Fuel and MOX on the High Level Reprocessing Waste Management
This paper compares characteristics of high level waste issued from the reprocessing of high burn up fuel (HTC) and mixed oxide (U-Pu)O2 fuel (MOX)...

Preliminary Conceptual Design Description of the Proposed DOE Store-Only Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 required DOE to examine the options for the provision of long term spent fuel storage in monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facilities. Specifically,...

Fabrication and Closure Development of Nuclear Waste Containers for Storage at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Repository
U.S. Congress and the President have determined that the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada is to be characterized to determine its suitability for construction of the first U.S. high-level...

Ventilation and Construction Considerations for a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
The storage of high level nuclear waste in an underground repository presents engineering problems in ventilation, construction methods and plan, and in proposed retrievability. Temperatures...

Method for Determining the Fuel Contribution to the Source Term in Trasnport Casks
A comprehensive source term characterization methodology has been developed for the determination of the fuel contribution to the potentially releasable radioactivity in spent fuel shipping...

Effects of Water Composition on the Dissolution Rate of UO2 Under Oxidizing Conditions
Dissolution rates were measured on crushed unirradiated UO2 fuel pellet samples under oxidizing conditions using a flow-through testing method. Water...

The Expected Condition of Spent LWR Fuel on Delivery to a Repository
The condition of spent fuel on delivery to a repository is affected by its service in the reactor and by the postirradiation activities including wet and dry storage; fuel examination,...

The Role of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board is a new independent governmental establishment with in the Executive Branch created in December 1987 when Congress enacted the Nuclear Waste Policy...

Case System and Ancillary Equipment Maintenance
Per-shipment activities, incidental maintenance, repair, and routine maintenance for Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) casks and ancillary equipment and responsibility for those activities...

A Space Station Trash Recovery and Recycling System
The quantity of trash produced on the Space Station during its lifetime will be substantial and will include useful waste materials. Given the high cost of transportation to orbit, it...

Conceptual Design for a Lunar-Base CELSS
Future human exploration is key to the United States National Space Policy goal of maintaining a world leadership position in space. In the past, spacecraft life support systems have used...

Composting for Lunar Agriculture
Alternative technologies for the microbially mediated biological oxidative transformation (composting) of human wastes and other organic wastes are presented. Batch mode and continuous...





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