Evaluation of Geotechnical Design Parameters by Expert System Techniques
This study refers to application of an artificial intelligence technique to evaluate geotechnical design parameters in the soil design definition. This complex evaluation is incorporeted...

Do Simplistic Methods of Foundation Design Produce Reliable Foundations?
Many foundations today are designed using deterministic (single value) analysis techniques which do not reflect the natural variability of soil properties. If the standard deviation and...

Settlement of Footings on Sands?Accuracy and Reliability
Twelve methods of estimating settlements of footings on sand were evaluated by comparing calculated settlements with measured settlements. Each of the methods was evaluated in terms of...

Reliability Analysis for Time of Travel in Compacted Soil Liners
Time of travel through compacted soil liners is difficult to predict because numerous factors confound the analysis. In this paper, the influence of spatial variability and uncertainty...

Geotechnical Engineering Design in the Age of the Modern Computer
Because geotechnical engineering requires that the materials and their configuration be investigated for each new project, the profession has always placed great emphasis on judgment....

Modification of P-Y Curves to Account for Group Effects on Laterally Loaded Piles
The response of piles in a rectangular group subjected to lateral loading has been analyzed using a three-dimensional finite element model to evaluate the effect of pile spacing on lateral...

Dynamic Testing to Predict Static Performance of Drilled Shafts Results of FHWA Research
The paper describes the preliminary results of recent research sponsored by the FHWA on predicting by relatively economical dynamic methods, the static capacity and performance of drilled...

Group Effect in the Case of Downdrag
A summary of the various techniques available to calculate downdrag forces on pile groups is presented. In light of all these existing techniques, a simplified method is recommended. An...

Computer Applications in the UCB Geotechnical Laboratories
The use of personal computers has become an indivisible part of the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) geotechnical testing laboratories. The University has been on the forefront...

Use of Computers for Soil and Rock Testing
The Bureau of Reclamation's central geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado, routinely uses computers and associated electronic measurement devices for data acquisition,...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

An Inexpensive Automatic Control System for Soil Testing
This paper describes an inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing. The system comprises a microcomputer, an analog to digital converter, a relay board, and solenoid valves....

Automation in Soils Testing Facility USAE Waterways Experiment Station
Automation is a powerful tool that when used intelligently can increase production, minimize cost, and improve production in any testing laboratory. The Soils Testing Facility (STF) at...

Spatial Variation in Liquefaction Risk Assessment
Basic concepts and methods of random field theory, needed to characterize 'distributed disordered systems', are reviewed and applied to a soil liquefaction case...

Reliability in Rock Engineering
This paper reviews approaches to reliability in rock engineering through a survey of methods developed at MIT. Since these methods are intended to be applied in engineering decisions,...

Foundation Evaluation of Barkley Dam for Seismic Analysis
An in-situ site investigation was performed at Barkley Dam, KY to gather essential information on the stratigraphy and nature of the foundation soils. From this information the site was...

Finite Element Analysis and Field Instrumentation of a Soil/Cement Arch
A two dimensional plane strain finite element analysis is used to predict the increase in stress on an existing tunnel caused by the addition of twelve feet of fill. The fill, soil/cement,...

Data Base of Seismic Body Wave Velocities and Geotechnical Properties
A data base of seismic velocities measured in soils and standard geotechnical engineering material properties has been established at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Citizen Participation in Regional Planning Efforts
During the past 4 decades the formal role of citizens has become increasingly more apparent under changing legislative mandates. This paper examines citizen participation in developing...





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