Review Notes on Cohesive Sediment Erosion
Comments are made on issues related to surface and mass erosion phenomena associated with cohesive sediment beds, and the entrainment of fluid mud. The rate process theory is recapped...

Long Wave Effects in Laboratory Studies of Cross-Shore Transport
A movable bed physical model study was conducted to investigate the influence of trapped low frequency energy on wave transformation and beach profile evolution. Using identical drive...

Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...

Shear Velocity and Eolian Sand Transport on a Barrier Island
Nearly 18 months of simultaneous measurements of atmospheric shear velocity, sand transport quantity, and beach erosion survey were made to investigate the rate of eolian sand transport...

Sand Movement by Wind?Optimising Predictive Power
The aim of the work reported here was to develop a model for the efficient utilisation of standard anemometer data for the prediction of potential sand movement. Accurate aeolian sand...

The Effect of Beach Vegetation on Aeolian Sand Transport
The effect of coastal vegetation on aeolian sand transport is examined through consideration of the governing aerodynamic processes. Local scale processes without the effect of ground...

Shoreface Connected Ridges Along the Dutch Coast
Quasi-synoptic current measurements were obtained across the Dutch shoreface connected ridges using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The measurements are used to evaluate the role...

Bedload Transport Under Low Frequency Waves
The concept of a bedload spectrum, showing the distribution of energy with frequency in the bedload process, is proposed. The bedload process is thus analysed in the frequency rather than...

The Vertical Structure of Cross-Shore Currents from Wind-Induced Setup
Most of the storm surge models presented in the literature are vertically averaged and calculate only the sea-surface elevation and mean flow. Whereas these models may be adequate for...

Preservation Potential of the Delaware Atlantic Coast Barrier?Backbarrier System
Volumes of Delaware Atlantic barrier and shoreface lithosomes were digitized to evaluate preservation potential during transgression. Erosion during headland retreat of less than 0.5 km...

Infragravity Wave Motion in a Tidal Inlet
Infragravity waves (20

Regional Beach Sand Volumes of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Eight small littoral cells ranging from 5-60 km in length have been surveyed by beach profiling and seismic refraction to establish active beach sand volumes in the Pacific Northwest region....

Chesapeake Bay Field Modeling and Monitoring Projects
'Traditional' erosion control measures often do not meet the Corps of Engineers' requirement for economic justification. The costs of these measures...

Field Application of a Numerical Model of Beach Topography Change
Discussion was made, on the basis of field data, on the applicability of the formula for local rate of sediment transport due to combined action of waves and currents presented by Watanabe...

The Interaction of Seawalls and Beaches: Four Years of Field Monitoring, Monterey Bay, California
Coastal protection structures have historically been the most common approach to dealing with the problem of shoreline erosion in the United States. Three potential impacts of these structures...

Analysis of Transport Processes on Ocean Disposal Mound
Disposal site 'F', an ocean disposal site for dredged sediments from Coos Bay, Oregon was designed to be a dispersive site. The site has not demonstrated high...

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Determined by EOF Method
Laboratory and field data of beach profile changes are used to study the cross-shore transport rate. The Empirical Orthogonal Eigenfunction analysis is applied to separate the temporal...

The Challenge of Meeting New Effluent Guidelines
Meeting new effluent guidelines is presenting a challenge to the environmental engineer. In most cases, existing plants must be retrofitted which will involve options of source treatment,...

UV Disinfection of Wastewater: A Pilot-Scale Study of Performance
A pilot-scale study of UV disinfection under field conditions was conducted. Inactivation and photoreactivation was well correlated with UV dose. Standards of 100 coliform/100 mL were...

An Integrated Study of Air Toxics Emissions from an MSW Landfill
An integrated approach was used for a study of air toxics emissions at a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (LF) consisting of field sampling, emission estimation, atmospheric dispersion...





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