Structure as Architecture
The newest structure at Tampa International Airport in Florida is Airside F, part of an expansion of the first airport designed so that passengers are shuttled via monorail between a main...

Caissons Skirt a Tunnel
Exchange Place Center is a 490 ft, 30 story office tower built directly over the existing transportation hub in Jersey City, N.J., where trains and buses meet the PATH Tubes that carry...

Should Fast Track be Derailed?
Engineers, architects and owners believe that fast track construction is a great idea when it works, but serious problems can arise. Some engineers feel that the owner reaps all the benefits...

Damage Statistics of the September 19, 1985 Earthquake
Grupo ICA has participated in all stages of the actions and analysis of the effects of this quake aimed at taking advantage of this disastrous experience and has prepared a complete study...

Observations on Structural Pounding
In over 40% of the collapsed or severely damaged buildings in Mexico City, pounding of adjacent buildings occurred, and in at least 15% was the primary cause of collapse. The main objectives...

Seismic Rehabilitation: Why, When and How
Common methods of seismic rehabilitation are: repair of cracks, reconstruction of structural elements, addition of stiffening elements, and addition of dampers. A major consideration is...

The Impact of the Construction of Public Works by the Earthquakes of September 1985
The earthquake of September 19th and 20th, 1985, is discussed with emphasis on general damage. The works of the Head Office of Urban Services is described in relation to emergency response....

Recreation Planning and Design for Floating Cities
The role and place of recreation planners and designers in multidisciplinary research for floating cities of the 21st Century and emerging marine recreation concepts and their relationship...

Construction of Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater
The San Francisco District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers recently completed construction of a breakwater at Fisherman's Wharf. The construction, completed ahead...

Institutional Constraints to Coastal Zone Management: A Case Study of Hawaii (abstract)
The problems that plague Hawaii's coastal zone management are primarily the result of 'institutional' factors, some of them rather unique. These...

Pass a Loutre Freshwater Diversions: Marsh Building in the Mississippi River Delta
Concern about the rapid loss of wetlands within the Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area located at the mouth of the Mississippi River has resulted in implementation of the Pass a Loutre...

Development Activities: Albemarle-Pamlico Sound Area
Paper briefly describes historical and emerging development activities in the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound area selected for study by a joint State/U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Task...

Building Around a Building
Many, maybe most, construction disasters occur as the result of the failure of temporary structures. Despite the fact that temporary structures have a critical effect on the speed, safety...

Strengthening Old Floors
The floors of the historic City Hall and Courthouse in Minneapolis had withstood 80 years of hard use before they have to be analyzed and brought up to code. The building is about 300...

CZM: Evaluation of State and Local Power-Sharing
Since 1976, the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Commerce has approved coastal management programs in twenty-nine states and territories. No two state programs are alike, and they...

Risk Management of Oceanfront Resort Operations
The perception of high incidences of accidents related to open ocean recreational activities in Hawaii and the need for developing educational programs on water safety for resident and...

Coastal Flood Control Facility Design Parameters
The development of design parameters for a storm runoff detention facility located on lowlands adjacent to an estuary and discharging into the tidal zone are discussed. The parameters...

Developing Oceanfront Hotels on Built-Up Coasts: Resolving Public Access, Natural Hazards, and Community Character Conflicts
In the mid 1980s, a resurgence of hotel development took place along the oceanfront of the northern shore of New Jersey, a 35 mile reach of barrier spits and headlands intensely developed...

Changing Waterfront Uses on the River Clyde, Scotland: A Preliminary Survey
The River Clyde in Scotland was renowned for its shipbuilding and shipping facilities. However, dislocations combined with government policy have forced since the early 1960's...

Port Facility Development: Public Access and Mitigation Requirements
Coordination of compatible uses and resolution of use conflicts requires continuous effort, extending beyond the planning and permit process and requiring long-range committment of staff...





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