Application of Control Theory to Regulate Traffic Flow on Periurban Ringways
Two on-ramp metering strategies are compared by a simulation study for the Boulevard Peripherique in Paris. The first one is a local strategy, based on linear feedback control theory....

Routing Based on Anticipated Travel Times
The routing of drivers based on anticipated as well as instantaneous link travel times has presented route guidance system developers with an opportunity to achieve additional IVHS benefits...

Geographic Database for IVHS Management
A IVHS (Intelligent Vehicle Highway System) information management system obtains information from road sensors, city maps and event schedules, and generates information to drivers, traffic...

A Preliminary Systems-Level Evaluation of Automated Urban Freeways
Transportation planners predict that traffic congestion will increase dramatically in the future. With 63% of all congestion on urban freeways, much of it in high-density areas, traditional...

Institutional Barriers to IVHS Introduction
The introduction and application of Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems (IVHS) will help to mitigate the adverse safety, environmental, and economic impacts of traffic congestion on selected...

Design of HCM Signal Timings Using Signal Expert
While computer implementations of the procedures for evaluating the operation of traffic signalized intersections are receiving widespread use, these implementations are still primarily...

Design and Evaluation of Multi-Band Progression Schemes
Multiband is a new arterial progression scheme that has the capability to assign each directional road section with an individually volume-weighted band. The method offers to the traffic...

Error Rate Measurements of RDS-FM Transmissions Application to an RDS-Beacon
The Radio Data System is now commonly implemented on many European VHF-FM broadcasting transmitters. RDS provides for the transmission of a silent data channel on existing VHF-FM radio...

Fiber Optic Communication Systems for Freeway Traffic Management
The communication requirements of freeway traffic management systems (FTMS) can be effectively met by systems which utilize fiber optic cables and associated equipment. This paper discusses...

Traffic Control System on the Hanshin Expressway
The Hanshin Expressway Public Corporation, Osaka, Japan has been developing and operating its automated traffic control system since 1969. This paper deals with the latest version of the...

Design for IVHS Safety: Technology Assessment
The development of an Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System (IVHS) will require methodologies for predicting and controlling system safety. In principle, these methodologies should include...

Taming the Silicon Steed?Perceptions of Risk
This paper draws from contemporary research in the psychological literature to argue that transportation engineers and decision makers should consider the issue of perceived risk when...

Exploring Headsup Displays for Driver Workload Management in Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems
New transportation system provide more information to drivers to improve their effectiveness in tasks like routing, avoiding congestion. We are examining the headsup displays as means...

Infrared Detector Developments
Modern road transport systems rely on information from sensors to operate safely and efficiently. The sensors are typically used to provide vehicle counting, occupancy, speed measurement...

The California Inductive Loop Radio Demonstration Project
There is growing interest at both the national and international level in the application of new technologies to the highway system. While many of these new technologies are revolutionary...

Dynamic Route Guidance?The Drive Project CAR-GOES
The DRIVE project CAR-GOES has studied strategies for integrating road traffic management and central systems for dynamic route guidance and traffic signal control. This paper summarises...

Car Wars?The DOTs Strike Back
HNTB is developing integrated computer systems utilizing standard hardware and software platforms coupled with graphical user interfaces for traffic management systems (TMS). Rapid, user-friendly...

A Catastrophe Theory Approach to Freeway Incident Detection
This paper discusses an approach to incident detection on freeways that classifies traffic conditions at a single station rather than by comparing conditions at adjacent stations. The...

A Real-Time Traffic Diversion Model: A Conceptual Approach
The development of a real-time traffic diversion control system for integrated freeway and arterial networks, as part of the most currently envisioned Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System...

A New Approach for Real-Time Prediction of Traffic Demand-Diversion in Freeway Corridors
An adaptive method is developed for real-time prediction of demand and diversion of traffic flow at on-ramp areas of freeway corridors. The prediction method explicitly treats the time-variant...





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