Pipeline Crossings 1996
This proceedings, Pipeline Crossings, consists of papers presented at the Specialty Conference held in Burlington, Vermont, June 16-19, 1996....

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources VII
This volume, Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources VII, comprises edited papers from the proceedings of the Seventh Engineering Foundation...

Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
Assessing Global Research Needs
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report identifies key engineering research and construction issues for the 21st century...

Evaluation Findings
the Segmental Concrete Channel Bridge System
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF Service Center. This report presents the findings of a HITEC evaluation of...

An Irresistible Offer
An unusual case of public-private financing of part of a Florida beltway is described, in which developers along an unfinished section of the road paid for preliminary design that provided...

Advanced Composites Build on Success
Advanced composite materials are competing with conventional structural materials thanks to the ready availability of glass, aramid and carbon fibers, epoxies, vinylesters, polyesters...

Rebound of the Bascule Bridge
A patented bascule bridge in Sheboygan, Wis. demonstrates design innovations that reduce the cost of bascule construction and minimize maintenance problems. The new $7.5 million South...

Chicago's Micropile Debut
On a tight, urban site around Chicago's historic Orchestra Hall, engineers used high-capacity micropiles as an alternative to hand-dug caissons. On a $104 million project...

No-Dig Gains Ground
The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), the regional wastewater utility of Metropolitan Dade County, is currently undertaking one of the Country's largest Infiltration/Inflow...

Bad Vibrations
Insurance companies often hire engineers to investigate homeowner claims of damage caused by vibrations near a blast or construction site. But these engineers often lack the background...

Rx for Risk Communication
When American adults are asked what they fear most, a majority rank public speaking ahead of death, divorce and unemployment. This news may not surprise many environmental project managers,...

Uncertainty in the Geologic Environment
from Theory to Practice
The state-of-the-art is presented with respect to analytical and design methods incorporating uncertainty in the geologic environment. Particular emphasis is placed on practical applications...

Cold Regions Engineering
The Cold Regions Infrastructure?An International Imperative for the 21st Century
This volume includes papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering?The Cold Regions Infrastructure: An International Imperative for the 21st Century....

Designs for Blast Protection (Available only in Structures special issue)
The 1995 bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was the most deadly terrorist act in this country's history. What can engineers do to prevent such events in the future?...

Tappan Zee Set for Inverset (Available only in Structures special issue)
Replacing the deck on New York's Tappan Zee Bridge is a ticklish problem, considering that all of the work has to be done at night. A combination of isotropically reinforced...

Coal's Clean Comeback
At Tampa's new power station, engineers from the power plant industry meet those from the chemical industry to construct an environmentally safe way to use low-cost coal....

Reinforced Glued Laminated Timber
In record time, reinforced glued laminated timber (glulam) has moved from an experimental product to wide-spread commercial acceptance. Several case studies illustrate applications and...

Sound Way to Save Fish
Fish protection need not cost an arm and a fin. Using light and sound to spare fragile blueback herring and other species a harrowing fate, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers devised a fish...

Who Springs for Water?
Many questions have been raised about the future of water quality and maintenance. The Rocky Mountain Institute has created a report with four scenarios, each based on whether the government...

Let the Buyer (and Seller) Beware
A merger or acquisition shouldn't be a gamble, but many firms depend too much on good luck and good will. For long-term success, the best bet is a checklist for professional...





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