Risks of Transporting Petroleum and Other Materials from Offshore Oil and Gas Development
Oil and gas development offshore Santa Barbara County has lead to the preparation and adoption of local policies and mitigation programs specifically addressing the risks associated with...
Monitoring and Mitigating the Socioeconomic Impacts of Coastal Oil and Gas Development
Santa Barbara County has required that all companies engaged in major offshore oil and gas projects participate in a Socioeconomic Monitoring and Mitigation Program (SEMP). Yearly impact...
How to Pay for Coastal Protection: Governmental Approaches
Beach erosion is a major problem in the United States, particularly in California. At the same time, coastal resource protection is becoming increasingly expensive as state and federal...
Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...
Mechanics of Cohesionless Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Conceptual mechanics-based models for sediment transport processes in steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layer flows are derived and discussed. To the extent possible the predictions...
Turbulence Measurements and Parameterizations
Bottom boundary layer and exchange models account for high frequency turbulence via Reynold's averaging and the most advanced closure formulations required by this averaging...
Review Notes on Cohesive Sediment Erosion
Comments are made on issues related to surface and mass erosion phenomena associated with cohesive sediment beds, and the entrainment of fluid mud. The rate process theory is recapped...
Moving Muds in the Marine Environment
Fine sediments with cohesive properties abound in the marine environment. We review idealized relationships that are useful in understanding flow behavior of important components of marine...
Infragravity Waves, Longshore Currents, and Linear Sand Bar Formation
A new hypothesis regarding the role of infragravity waves in controlling the formation and offshore migration of linear (2-dimensional) sand bars is presented. The hypothesis is dependent...
Long Wave Effects in Laboratory Studies of Cross-Shore Transport
A movable bed physical model study was conducted to investigate the influence of trapped low frequency energy on wave transformation and beach profile evolution. Using identical drive...
Sediment Transport in the Swash Due to Obliquely Incident Wind-Waves Modulated by Infragravity Waves
Swash is described by obliquely incident wind-waves superposed on, and interacting with, long standing waves. The wind waves of the inner surf zone are modulated in amplitude, wavenumber...
Infragravity Driven Suspended Sediment Transport in the Swash, Inner and Outer-Surf Zone
Nearbed suspended sediment concentration and velocity measurements from 3 field sites in the mid-outer surf zone (low energy), inner surf zone (high energy) and swash (high energy) are...
Effect of Long Waves to Local Sediment Transport Rate
When irregular waves travel to the shoreline, long wave component becomes important in the surf zone. In the surf zone, sands are transported by both wave motion and turbulence due to...
Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude
Inconsistencies in the field data and predictions of longshore sediment transport (LST) rates associated with the CERC and Bagnold formulae are discussed. Practical errors in direct application...
Longshore Sand Transport Rate Distributions Measured in Lake Michigan
Cross-shore and vertical distributions of longshore sand transport in the nearshore zone were measured in a field data collection project conducted at Ludington, Michigan, on the east...
Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...
Relationship Between Longshore and Cross-Shore Transport
Radiation stress principles are shown to control both longshore and cross-shore wave induced stresses which in turn determine the major processes controlling sediment transport. Recent...
A Calibrated Longshore Transport Model for Richards Bay
In order to plan maintenance dredging at the Port of Richards Bay, different studies were carried out. These were to determine the extreme dredging rates required in the long term and...
Neashore Sediment Transport by Slush/Brash Ice in Southern Lake Michigan
Bands of mobile ice are common features in the Great Lakes nearshore zone during the winter months. Samples were collected during December, 1989 to determine the sediment content in the...
Shear Velocity and Eolian Sand Transport on a Barrier Island
Nearly 18 months of simultaneous measurements of atmospheric shear velocity, sand transport quantity, and beach erosion survey were made to investigate the rate of eolian sand transport...
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