Ocean Energy Activities in China
The ocean energy will perform an important action to compensate for energy consumption. In China tidal energy was utilized early, building tidal power plants began from the nineteen fifties....

Ocean Energy Activities in Europe
This paper reviews European research and development in wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and ocean tidal power. For each technology, a country-by-country summary (in...

Field Verification Experiment of a Wave Power Extracting Caisson Breakwater
The Ministry of Transport in Japan is conducting a field verification experiment of a wave power converter with a vertical breakwater called the wave power extracting caisson breakwater....

Wave Power Development in Taiwan
The feasibility study of wave power development in Taiwan was performed in two phases. The first phase included the calculation and assessment of the available wave energy along the coasts...

Planning a Full Scale Wave Power Conversion Test 1988-1989
The paper describes the design of the wave power converter and the principal of working. The results from a tank test on a scale model are presented with the main emphasis on design loads...

Double-OWC Wave Power Extractor of a Taut Moored Floating Structure
A double oscillating water column is proposed as a means to improve the efficiency of wave power conversion over a wide range of wave periods in deep water. A mathematical model of the...

Use of Scrap Tires to Harness Wave Energy
A 2.5 meter diameter wave powered pump, fabricated from scrap tires was tested from May 24, 1988 to October 1988 in the Atlantic Ocean at the North Carolina Army Corp of Engineers Waterways...

Some Novel Concepts in Approach to Harnessing Tidal Power
The worldwide tidal energy potential remains undeveloped because of its low power density and high cost of constructing conventional hydroturbine power plants. The objective of this paper...

Review of Garolim Tidal Power Project
The feasibility study of Garolim tidal power project made in 1981 was reviewed in 1986 and updated in 1988. The review study generally confirmed the result of the 1981 study. The generator...

The Development of Tidal Resources in China: The Tidal Experimental Station of Jiangxia and Its No. 1 and No. 2 Bidirectional Tidal Water Turbine
This article outlines the development and use of tidal energy, specifically, the exploitable tidal energy and the situation of its use in China and introduces the first large bidirectional...

Tidal Power Plants - The Source of Ecologically Clean Energy
This paper outlines the development of tidal energy within the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.). It describes several working and proposed tidal power plants developed in the U.S.S.R. with a discussion...

Conceptual Design of an Open-Cycle OTEC Plant for the Production of Electricity and Fresh Water in a Pacific Island
A plant, based on the Open-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) concept, was designed to supply electricity and fresh water to a Pacific Island community. In order to boost fresh...

Conceptual Design Analysis for Hybrid-Cycle OTEC Plants for Co-Production of Electric Power and Desalinated Water
Hybrid-cycle OTEC power plants are shown to be potentially the most flexible and cost effective in obtaining any specific mix of electrical power and desalinated water. This paper describes...

A 250 KW Closed Cycle Land Based Ocean Thermal Energy Plant
The paper describes the design of a 250 KW land based closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Plant suitable for installing at Keahole Point in Hawaii. The work is being done for ALCAN International....

OTEC Sea Water Systems Technology Status
A workshop was conducted in April 1988 to provide an expert critique of the fabrication and deployment options for the seawater systems (all piping required to draw the seawater) of land-based...

Noncondensable Gas Composition and Outgassing Rates in the Open-Cycle OTEC System with Direct-Contact Condensation
This paper will present the results of recent measurements of noncondensable release from an open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OC-OTEC) system in a direct-contact condensation...

Experimental Investigation of Condensation of Steam in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases for Open-Cycle Surface Condensers
Two experimental investigations are being carried out for determination of the effects of noncondensable gases on the rate of condensation in the open-cycle surface condenser. A single-channel...

Carbon Dioxide Release from OTEC Cycles
This paper presents the results of recent measurements of CO2 release from an open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OC-OTEC) experiment. Based...

Selected Earthquake Engineering Papers of George W. Housner
Sponsored by the Structural Division of ASCE. This volume collects key papers on earthquake engineering by George W. Housner, who more than any other...

The Dredging Dilemma
Disposal of dredge materials is becoming a national environmental problem. Disposal sites on land are becoming extremely scarce and environmental objections growing. There are also objections...





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