An Application of Acoustic Core Analysis
This technique has shown itself to be extremely successful at Roberts Bank, in a highly variable bottom material, where shallow depths were not a significant problem, and some borehole...

Hydrotest Rupture of Penstuck Liner at Bath County
Bath County is the construction site of Virginia Electric and Power Company's pumped storage project. Rupture of a penstock liner during hydrotest at high pressure threatened...

Outlet Hydraulics vs. Storage Requirements
In many cases developers must use a portion of their land for temporary detention of storm runoff in order to comply with local ordinances. A simple method is outlined which yields the...

Modeling Analysis for Management of Artificial Recharge
The objective of these groundwater and sediment modeling studies is to determine the net change in storage and potentiometric levels within the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin resulting...

Optimal Real-Time Operation of a Cascade of Hydropower Plants in Central West China
The Longxihe River hydropower system consists of four hydropower plants in series. The four reservoirs are used for flood control and power generation. Among the four reservoirs, only...

Saline Water Disposal from a Coal Bed Methane Recovery Well Field
A conceptual engineering approach for low cost management of production water from coal bed methane recovery wells is presented. The approach is applicable for production water that contains...

Hydro-Thermal Power Plants with Pumped Storage
The concept of pumped storage can be justified through the development of hydro-thermal power plants. The hydraulic equipment for power plants of this kind is available in the market meeting...

Alternative Layouts for Hydro Headrace Tunnels
The recent development of tunnel boring machines capable of excavating hard rock at virtually any grade together with the Norwegian experience in compressed air surge tanks provides the...

Sedimentation in Small Hydropower Reservoirs
Small-scale hydropower projects, which usually include reservoirs of limited size, may inherently incorporate severe sedimentation problems. The ratio of reservoir volume to sediment inflow...

Hydrogen Cycle Peak Power at Low-Head Sites
A major draw back to further development of low-head hydro power is that it usually uses run-of-the-river operations. The storage potential for peaking power production that large reservoirs...

Walden Hydroelectric Power Project
The Wallkill River at Walden, New York, produced hydroelectric power from 1909 to 1966. Using turbines dating back to the original hydroelectric development, the Walden hydroelectric station...

Water Supply Supplemented by Airport Storm Runoff
The quality of natural and induced storm water runoff from Oahu's Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and four outer island airports in Hawaii was evaluated for water supply...

A Systems Approach to the Assessment of Water Supply, Treatment, Storage and Distribution Systems
To focus on the needs of a system at present and in the future and to foresee potential problem areas prior to their occurrence, it is advisable for the management of a water utility to...

Sensitivity of Model Choice in Reservoir Design
The Box-Jenkins method of model construction and tests of model adequacy and fit are applied to a reservoir design problem. The sensitivity of the stochastic models used to generate synthetic...

Economics and Groundwater
The increasing use of groundwater has resulted in greater lifts, and coupled with increased energy costs is focusing more attention on the economics of groundwater use. The proceedings...

Structural Engineering in Nuclear Facilities
The papers in this publication cover the general theme of civil and structural engineering as they are applied to nuclear facilities. Traditional topics include seismic analysis, impactive...

Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
Current knowledge on the practice of earthquake engineering for oil and gas pipeline systems is presented. Such systems typically consist of buried oil, gas, or product pipelines and aboveground...

Computer Links Facilities Management, Mapping
Computerizing of map drafting alone was not cost effective, so electric and gas utilities are using their systems to aid in managing their facilities. This article is a case history of...

Managing by Database
Many computer programs are available for managing the operations and maintenance aspects of a facility. To date, most computer programs for managing a facility have been generated by mechanical...

In 1986, when its six turbine/pump-generator/motor units will be in operation, the Bath County Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in Virginia will be the world's largest....





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