Processes Controlling the Retreat of the Isles Dernieres, A Louisiana Barrier-Island Chain
The Isles Dernieres is a low-lying, transgressive barrier-island chain situated about 150 km west of the modern Mississippi delta. Much of the Isles Dernieres consists of highly dissected...

Sand Bypassing at Indian River Inlet, Delaware
To solve a beach erosion problem north of Indian River Inlet, Delaware, the US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District and the State of Delaware have constructed a fixed plant sand...

Geomorphology and Sedimentation Patterns of Tidal Inlets: A Review
Tidal inlets are generally formed by either of two mechanisms: storm generated scour channels, and closure of estuarine entrances by growth of sand spits. On depositional, coastal plain...

Infragravity Wave Motion in a Tidal Inlet
Infragravity waves (20

Regional Beach Sand Volumes of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Eight small littoral cells ranging from 5-60 km in length have been surveyed by beach profiling and seismic refraction to establish active beach sand volumes in the Pacific Northwest region....

Physical Modelling of Pocket Beaches
The design of artificial beach systems is dependent upon the modelling criteria and on the selection of the sand material to be used for nourishment. In order to obtain a stable beach...

Spit Formation in Lake and Bay
A technique of superimposing beach profiles, as a method for analyzing the characteristics and deformation process of a sand spit topography, is proposed, and the morphological changes...

Post-Hugo Beach Restoration in South Carolina
Hurricane Hugo caused unprecedented damage and extensive beach erosion in South Carolina on 22 September 1989. One week after Hugo, a plan was prepared to push up an emergency dune along...

New Dredging Technology for Inlets and Beaches: Move Sand to the Pump
Conventional dredging for channel maintenance and 'mining' of offshore sand for beach restoration and renourishment 'moves the pump to the sand'....

Analysis of Transport Processes on Ocean Disposal Mound
Disposal site 'F', an ocean disposal site for dredged sediments from Coos Bay, Oregon was designed to be a dispersive site. The site has not demonstrated high...

Articifical Nourishment at Varadero Beach, Cuba
Following severe storm damage at Varadero Beach during the winter of 1986-87, beach nourishment was carried out at Punta Blanca (17,000 m3), Hotel...

The Use of Aragonite as an Alternate Source of Beach Fill in Southeast Florida
The first full-scale use in the United States of imported aragonite sand for beach restoration was initiated at Fisher Island, Florida, in December, 1990. The project involved placement...

Controls on Sand Resources: Cape Canaveral Area, Florida
Analysis of Holocene stratigraphy and sediments of the continental shelf off Cape Canaveral Florida shows that three basic factors control the quality of sand resources. Antecedent topography...

Complex Principal Component Analysis of Wave-Like Sand Motions
Complex Principal Component Analysis is applied to bathymetric data from the SUPERDUCK experiment at Duck, NC. This approach is shown to describe more of the variation with fewer functions...

The Santa Cruz Littoral Cell: Difficulties in Quantifying a Coastal Sediment Budget
Beach compartments or littoral cells form the framework for our understanding of the sources, transport, sinks, and storage of sand in the nearshore zone. In general, along the California...

Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Through a Clay Liner
A series of tests have been performed using laboratory-scale flexible wall permeameters. A synthetic organic leachate mixture of methylene chloride, toluene, and trichloroethylene (TCE)...

PITTLEACH: A Numerical Model of Landfill Stabilization
This paper addresses the theoretical development, use and application of PITTLEACH, a computer program conceived to simulate the processes of landfill stabilization. Since the physical,...

An Integrated Study of Air Toxics Emissions from an MSW Landfill
An integrated approach was used for a study of air toxics emissions at a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (LF) consisting of field sampling, emission estimation, atmospheric dispersion...

Land Disposal Restrictions and Mixed Waste Management
The Land Disposal Restrictions, imposed by Congress in 1984 and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency, impose constraints on the management of mixed waste. Except in very...

Combined Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in a Cyclic Activated Sludge System Without Anoxic Mixing Sequences
A simplified methodology for combined phosphorus and nitrogen removal through reactor configuration, cyclic sequencing and the control of aeration intensity in variable volume activated...





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