Use of Computers for Soil and Rock Testing
The Bureau of Reclamation's central geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado, routinely uses computers and associated electronic measurement devices for data acquisition,...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

An Inexpensive Automatic Control System for Soil Testing
This paper describes an inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing. The system comprises a microcomputer, an analog to digital converter, a relay board, and solenoid valves....

Automation in Soils Testing Facility USAE Waterways Experiment Station
Automation is a powerful tool that when used intelligently can increase production, minimize cost, and improve production in any testing laboratory. The Soils Testing Facility (STF) at...

Spatial Variation in Liquefaction Risk Assessment
Basic concepts and methods of random field theory, needed to characterize 'distributed disordered systems', are reviewed and applied to a soil liquefaction case...

Foundation Evaluation of Barkley Dam for Seismic Analysis
An in-situ site investigation was performed at Barkley Dam, KY to gather essential information on the stratigraphy and nature of the foundation soils. From this information the site was...

Data Base of Seismic Body Wave Velocities and Geotechnical Properties
A data base of seismic velocities measured in soils and standard geotechnical engineering material properties has been established at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Hugo 1989 - The Performance of Structures in the Wind
The performance of buildings in the Carolinas during Hurricane Hugo, 21-22 September 1989, is reviewed. Wind speeds in most locations were below the design levels specified in the local...

Roof Wind Damage Mitigation: Lessons From Hugo
Hurricane Hugo caused extensive roof damage in Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas. Extensive field investigations have revealed the causes of many of the problems. This paper...

Hydrodynamic Behavior of Cohesive Sediments in Turbulent Flow
To meet both engineering and basic research requirements, a series of experiments on the deposition of cohesive soil were conducted in an annular rotating fiberglass channel-ring system...

Coastal Management's Role in Seismic Safety?Political Lessons from California's 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) -- the first coastal management agency in the United States --has been involved in seismic safety since the Commission...

An Offshore Seismic Data Network
Response to environmental forces is a major performance consideration in designing offshore oil and gas facilities. Climatic and oceanographic data are available for most offshore sites....

Dynamic Flushing of Pocket Marinas
The expanding demand for marina space combined with just concerns for the coastal environment has developed an urgent need for methods for evaluation of the flushing characteristics of...

Field and Numerical Investigations on Siltation Mechanism in Kumamoto Port
Synthetic investigations on siltation mechanism in Kumamoto Port were carried out by field observations, laboratory tests, and numerical simulations. Natural conditions such as tides,...

Reactivation of the Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) Facility
The Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) was run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 1974 to 1988. This open-air tank was used to test...

Results from Selected Oil-Spill Response Research
Recent large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil-spill response capabilities. The Minerals Management Service...

Scour Around Cylindrical Piles Due to Wave Motion in the Surf-Zone
The paper discusses the results of experimental tests to study scouring phenomena around cylindrical piles during a sea storm with reference to the modelling of a beach profile in the...

Ecological Studies at Espirito Santo Bay?Brazil Zooplankton Communities
Espirito Santo Bay is a coastal-tropical system, with strong water renovation cycle, which in turn adequate conditions to the development of many planktonic species (Bonecker et al., 1989)....

The Petroleum Geology of the Oceanside Trough, Capistrano Basin, Offshore Southern California
The Caoistrano Basin represents one of the last essentially unexplored Neogene depocenters along the southern California coast. Within the greater Capistrano Basin, the Oceanside Trough...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...





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