Management and Research of Desert Tortoises for the Yucca Mountain Project
A program has been developed for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) to manage and study the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizi), a threatened species that occurs at low densities at Yucca...

Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of Conceptual Model Uncertainty on Site Performance
Performance assessment modeling for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal incorporates three different types of uncertainty. These include data and parameter uncertainty, modeling...

An Approach to Assessing the Impacts of Incident-Free Air and Highway Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Annual radiation doses and risks were calculated for shipments of radioactive materials both in passenger aircraft and on highways, under accident-free and incident-free conditions, i.e.,...

The Constructive Use of Heat in an Unsaturated Tuff Repository
By designing the engineered barrier system in an unsaturated tuff repository to constructively use heat, the waste containers can be kept dry for hundreds of years. Without water, the...

Uncertainty Analysis of Preclosure Accident Doses for the Yucca Mountain Repository
This study presents a generic methodology that can be used to evaluate the uncertainty in the calculated accidental offsite doses at the Yucca Mountain repository during the preclosure...

Site-Generic Approach for Performance Assessment of HLW Disposal System in Japan
This paper presents an overview of the preliminary performance analyses and description of R&D activities designed based upon the results of the analyses, which are to be incorporated...

Total-System Analyzer for Performance Assessment of Yucca Mountain
The Total-System Analyzer is a modular computer program for probabilistic total-system performance calculations. The code employs stratified random sampling from model parameter distribution...

Buckling Optimization of Laminate Stacking Sequence with Strain Constraints
An integer programming formulation for the design of symmetric and balanced composite laminates subject to buckling and strain constraints is presented. The design variables that define...

Finite Element Analysis and Design of Plywood Shear Walls
An integrated procedure for the analysis and design of rectangular plywood shear walls is presented and illustrated. The analysis is done using an in-house finite element program with...

Boston's Sewage Outfall
The centerpiece of the Boston Harbor cleanup plan will be the sewage plant on Deer Island, which will treat water from 43 municipalities in the Boston metro area�500 mgd to start. In order...

The Long Climb to Remediation
During World War II, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado served as an Army manufacturing center for the production, then destruction, of mustard gas, napalm, cluster bomb mixtures,...

Long Term Durability of Geomembranes
The most frequently asked question about geosynthetic materials is how long they will last. Precise answers, especially for geomembranes, elude researchers as well as manufacturers, design...

Spills on the Great Lakes a Cause for Concern?The Need for Action to Prevent Them
The present form of water transport of toxic chemicals on the Great Lakes, using inappropriate and obsolete forms of navigation control systems, presents the people and the ecosystem with...

Risk-Cost Analysis Under Uncertainty for Dredged Material Management
Fuzzy Composite Programming is used to conduct a risk-cost trade-off analysis under uncertainty for a simplified dredge material disposal problem. Uncertainties inherent in the components...

Issues in the Use of an Expert System for Teaching
This paper describes an expert system called SYSES which has been developed at the FIDS laboratory at the University of Manitoba. SYSES is intended to be a teaching aid for undergraduate...

Diagnostic Options for Pipeline Rehabilitation
The various diagnostic options utilized for solving pipeline problems/failures continue to increase at a very rapid pace. Field reconnaisance and/or man-entry of pipelines is becoming...

Parallel Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Robots
To achieve real-time dynamic simulation of a robot manipulator on a vector/parallel machine, two types of parallelism are investigated. Techniques to enhance the vectorization of the dynamics...

Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Composite Ply Micromechanics
Artificial neural networks can provide improved computational efficiency relative to existing methods when algorithmic description of functional relationships is either totally unavailable...

A New Finite Element Formulation of the Generalized Laminated Plate Theory
The Generalized Laminate Plate Theory (GLPT) predicts stress distributions in laminated composite plates with accuracy comparable to a full three-dimensional analysis. The original implementation...

Prediction of Transverse Shear Stresses for Various Isoparametric Thick and Thin Shell Elements
Utilizing three-dimensional equilibrium equations (often referred to as an Equilibrium Method (EM)), an estimation of transverse stresses for fiber-reinforced laminated doubly curved shells...





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