Movable Dam?Gate Selection Procedure
Very few new dams are now being considered, particularly for waterpower and even more specifically for low head waterpower in the lower reaches of major rivers. The City of Harrisburg,...

Small Hydro Analysis and Reporting Program
The Ontario Ministry of Energy initiated a project to develop an analysis program based upon metric measures and Canadian costs. The Ministry of Energy of the Province of Ontario has been...

Development of Turbine Intake Downstream Migrant Diversion Screen
Prior to the spring of 1986 Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County had developed a passive turbine intake screen design. A prototype of this design was placed in the emergency gate...

Protection of Juvenile Anadromous Fish
Protection of juvenile anadromous fish (salmon, steelhead, etc. ) during their seaward migration is a major concern in the Pacific Northwest. The existing screening structures at the head...

Hydrologic Studies for Dinkey Creek Hydro-Electric Project
The economic analysis and final design of the 120 MW hydro-electric development on Dinkey Creek, a tributary of the North Fork of the Kings River in the Central Valley of California, requires...

The Effect of Sedimentation on Hydro-Developments
This paper will discuss two major impacts which are the hydro construction on natural stream sedimentation and the sedimentation related problems during hydro operation. The two types...

A Case for Selecting Only Deterministic Spillway Design Floods for High Hazard Dams
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has under license or exemption from licensing more than 2000 hydroelectric dams. The Office of Hydropower Licensing published, in September 1986,...

Performance of Draft Tubes for Small-Hydropower Turbines
Tests of several conical and elbow-type draft tubes were conducted with varying degrees of upstream swirl. This swirl was generated by variable-geometry vanes. Draft tube efficiencies...

Marginal Small Hydro Can be Made Viable
This paper presents the design and construction aspects of a 1,235 kW small hydro power development, comprising a new dam, gated spillway, intake canal, intake, penstock, tunnel, in-ground...

Designing a Modern Small-Scale Hydroelectric Plant
STS Consultants, Ltd. (STS) and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) successfully teamed on four hydropower sites in Michigan during the 1980's. Three of the four sites...

Improving Design of Small Hydro Plants
One objective of this paper is to show why certain features of many small hydro plants have given poor operational performance or experienced expensive maintenance problems. A second objective...

Murray Hydro Project?Structural Design
This paper will summarize design criteria, parameters, methods of analysis, and other relevant data that were used in the design process of the structural features of the Murray powerhouse...

Design of Siphon Penstocks for Low Head Hydros
Siphon penstocks have been designed and constructed at Jim Falls and Winter, Wisconsin at existing dams. Both hydropower projects are located on the Chippewa River. The design of these...

Turbine Intake Modification for Fish Passage
This paper describes one solution the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has found to improve juvenile fish guidance at Bonneville Second Powerhouse on the Columbia River. Juvenile fish passage...

The Design of the Outlet for the New Koepchenwerk Pumpstorage Plant
The Koepchenwerk Pumpstorage Plant (1930) is going to be replaced by a new plant with a 150 MW Pumpturbine in a shaft. This paper explains the reasons for this replacement and gives a...

Sidney A Murray Jr. Hydroelectric Project
The Sidney A Murray Jr. Hydroelectric Project is being designed and constructed by EBASCO Services Inc. for the City of Vidalia (La) - Catalyst, Old River Hydroelectric Ltd Partnership....

Osoyoos Lake Control Structure
The new Osoyoos Lake Control Structure has been built on the Okanogan River at Oroville, Wa. The site is about 2 miles downstream from the outlet of Osoyoos Lake, and about 9 miles south...

The Gem State Hydropower Project
The Gem State Hydroelectric Project is located on the Snake River about 5 miles southwest of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. The project consists of a 40-foot high, 900-foot-long earth...

Analysis of Hydraulic Transients for Design and Operation of Two Powerhouses in Series
The Dinkey Creek Project will be located in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains 40 miles north-east of Fresno, California, and will develop about 4000 ft of gross head with a maximum...

Long Lake Dam Model Studies
The Long Lake spillway was designed at the turn of the century as a standard ogee section with an upstream batter for a maximum head of 179 feet (55 m). It did not include any energy dissipator....





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