Software Engineering for Irrigation and Environmental Applications
Interactive, user-oriented software has been developed to enhance irrigation design, management and planning. Environmental applications were the central focus of several individual components...

Radiation Balance and Soil Water Evaporation of Bare Pullman Clay Loam Soil
Radiation and energy balance components and soil water evaporation were measured for a bare Pullman clay loam soil at Bushland, TX during the 1992 spring and summer as the soil dried following...

Updating Utah's Crop Water Use Estimates
Crop water use was estimated at National Weather Service stations throughout Utah for the 1961-1990 normal period. Daily weather data (air temperature, solar radiation, humidity, wind...

Streamflow Depletions Resulting from Ground Water Transfers
An application to move the point of diversion of a quasi-municipal ground water right from about 4.8 km to a second well about 0.3 km from a river channel was made in the Reno/Sparks,...

Multiquadrics in Engineering Modeling
The theory of multiquadrics (MQ) is advancing rapidly and it is usable today. When appropriate MQ can accurately interpolate for unknown values with less computational cost than Kriging....

Establishing a Drought Reserve Policy for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District was created by the California Legislature in 1977 for the purpose of developing an integrated management program for all of the water resources...

Concentration History During Pumping from a Leaky Aquifer with Stratified Initial Concentration
Analytical and numerical solutions are employed to examine the concentration history of a dissolved substance in water pumped from a leaky aquifer. Many aquifer systems are characterized...

Parameter Estimates for a Groundwater Model
This paper presents a parameter sensitivity study of a two dimensional flow and transport model of a contaminated site. Hydrogeological and site data from previous investigations were...

Simulation of Buoyant, Miscible Liquid Plumes in Heterogeneous Aquifers
Laboratory experiments have been conducted in a sand tank with a single heterogeneity into which NaNO3 is continuously injected. From samples along, across and over the depth of the tank...

An Overview of Methods to Delineate Capture Zones of Pumping Wells
Rainfall over the surface area of an unconfined aquifer, which contributes flow to a pumping well under Dupuit conditions, was estimated. Using a two-dimensional analytical model with...

A Semi-Discrete Element Approach to the River Ice Breakup and Jamming Process
A semi-discrete element approach was developed to simulate the whole river ice breakup and jamming process. In this approach, ice mass is treated as discrete elements, and the movement...

Adaptive Control of Unavoidable Hazardous Releases
This paper presents a procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases of toxic substances. In particular, the control strategy is aimed at deliberate releases from man-made storage...

Hydraulic Desiltation for Noncohesive Sediment
Sedimentation reduces the useful life of a reservoir. The physical processes of flushing sediment are not well-understood. Flushing processes can be classified into two categories: local...

Optimization Modeling for Sedimentation in Alluvial Rivers Considering Uncertainties
A nonlinear optimization model is formulated for determining optimal reservoir releases to minimize channel bed aggradation and degradation in downstream rivers. The model is based upon...

Flow Patterns in Constructed Wetlands
Wetland water flow is sensitive to evapotranspiration and rainfall, and to the internal configuration of substrates and biota. All wetlands are subject to significant dead zones and bypassing....

Integrated Description of Wetland Hydrology and Ecology by Mathematical Models
The agricultural utilization of the natural zone between the terrestrial and the aquatic system has reduced these important bufferzones in the last 30 years. The use of wetlands as nutrient...

Real Time Forecast of Landfill Leachate Flow
A computer model was written to describe the generation of landfill leachate due to large precipitation events. The landfill is described as a multi-layer system, each layer having its...

Assessment Procedures for Lahars, Mudflows, Debris Flows and Debris Torrents
Unique hydraulic and rheologic characteristics of lahars, mudflows, debris flows and debris torrents require specialized assessment procedures. This paper discusses a fourteen element...

Hydraulic Performance of Culvert End Sections Designed for Collision Safety
A type of end section for pipe culverts that was designed for collision safety has some favorable hydraulic characteristics. These safety end sections are long and narrow with large steel...

Hydraulic Analysis of the McCook Outlet Manifold
A 1:40-scale model of the proposed McCook Outlet Manifold was tested at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Subsequently, flow conditions in the manifold were calculated...





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