The Simulation of Variable Release Temperatures from the Rock Creek-Cresta Project Using the USFWS Instream Temperature Model
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PGandE) operates the Rock Creek-Cresta Project on the North Fork Feather River (NFFR) for hydroelectric generation under authority of Federal Energy Regulatory...

An Approach to Addressing Interactive Effects of Multiple Hydro Projects in a River Basin
Cumulative effects issues continue to arise, not only related to multiple small hydro projects, but also to multiple relicensing of major projects, development of multiple projects at...

The Role of Hydrologic Forecasts and Water Management in Support of Fisheries Enhancement
With the passage of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and the adoption of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program in 1982, a new mandate...

Cumulative Impact Assessment: Issues to Consider in Selecting a Cumulative Assessment Method
Because widespread interest in the subject is new, there are no standard or generally recognized methods for cumulative impact assessment. A method should include procedures for (1) evaluating...

Cumulative Impact Assessment: Application of a Methodology
The authors expanded upon the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Cluster Impact Assessment Procedure (CIAP) to provide a practical methodology for assessing potential...

Environmental Appraisal of Small Hydro Projects in Ontario
Despite a large interest from the developing community and the aid of Ontario's Small Hydro Encouragement Program (Ministry of Energy 1986) which is administrated by the Ontario...

Instream Flow Values and Power Production
An approach relating the value of water instream to water flow in the stream results in a continuous function of value versus flow. This function is developed using the Physical Habitat...

Downramping to Minimize Stranding of Salmonid Fry
The objective of this study was to develop a downramping regime for the Jackson Hydroelectric Project on the Sultan River in Washington that minimizes the stranding of juvenile salmon...

Project Alternatives to Benefit Endangered Species
In April 1986, the Missouri River Division, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, determined that operation of the main stem system had the potential to adversely affect the listed species. Consultation...

Instream Flow Methodologies and Requirements
Instream flow is a term applied to the discharge occurring downstream from and at least partly controlled by a dam or diversion structure. The volume and timing of instream flows most...

Bio-Economic Models for Measuring the Economic Effects of Hydropower on Anadromous Fish Populations in the Pacific Northwest
An empirical model is presented for predicting the net economic value of changes in recreational catch of salmon and steelhead in Oregon, Washington and Idaho associated with construction...

Feasibility of Cold Water Releases from Lake Britton
The Pit River in Shasta County, California, is the site of the Pit 3, 4 and 5 Project, a major hydroelectric facility operated by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PGandE) under Federal...

The Council's Strategy for Improving Fish Passage
The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program was developed by the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1982 and amended in 1984 and 1987. The program is likely the largest ongoing...

Water Management for Juvenile Fish Passage
The regional goal of restoring upriver runs of adult salmon and steelhead requires increased survival of the juvenile fish migrating to the ocean. Juvenile fish survival requires: (1)...

A Juvenile Fish Bypass Program at Columbia River Basin Projects
Hydroelectric development in the Pacific Northwest region has altered the natural flow of the Columbia River and its major tributary, the Snake River. This has proven to be detrimental...

Hydropower Simulation: An Overview
Numerous models have been developed for production costing and generation system expansion which include operation of hydropower in the system. These models rely on energy production and...

Power System Study to Determine Hydro Benefits
This paper discusses evaluation methodologies used by Stone & Webster to determine the power benefits for six potential hydropower projects at existing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...

Reliable Operation of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems
The demonstrated model allows planners to account for both operating and shortage costs, subject to a constraint on the system failure rate. In addition, the optimal long-term operation...

Pumped Storage and Power System Operations
The 2100 megawatt Bath County pumped storage power station began commercial operation in December 1985 as a jointly-owned project of Virginia Electric and Power Company (Virginia Power)...

Operational Flexibility?A Precious Commodity
This discussion is about Operational Flexibility, as it applies to the generating resources of a large electricity system. The author discusses the situation at Ontario Hydro, operationally...





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