Flow Through Fish Bypass Intakes
Hydraulic and computational fluid dynamic models were used to investigate the cause of the unequal intake flow distribution observed entering the three vertical intakes of the patented...

Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes
Recent data collected in a 1-foot Parshall flume located in the Bureau of Reclamation's hydraulic laboratory indicate a significant discontinuity in the discharge/submergence...

Hydrodynamic Dispersion: Estimation and Prediction
The dispersion of dissolved, nonreactive tracers in groundwater is governed by diffusion and advection. A.E. Scheidegger introduced the term dispersivity to describe the effect that a...

A Numerical Solution Technique for Incompressible Flow
Presented is a numerical solution technique which employs the explicit predictor-corrector scheme of R.W. MacCormack in solving the governing two-dimensional equations of motion on a staggered...

An Error Analysis of the Dynamic Wave Model
The Dynamic Wave Operational Model (DWOPER) is used to forecast river stages on the Lower Columbia River. DWOPER was developed by the National Weather Service's Hydrologic...

Debris-Flow Research and Engineering Practice
For debris-flow analysis to enter standard engineering practice, future research must extend existing models to deal with major complications that arise in field practice. This paper reviews...

Candor Chasma Camp
This paper proposes a camp at Mars, in the Coprates region of the Valles Marineris rift, just below the equator on Candor Mensa 6�-12'S, 73�-30'W. Beginning at...

Dynamic Analysis of the Joint Dominated Beam
A method is presented herein to determine the vibration modes of the Joint Dominated Beam. An example of a cantilever beam is selected for this purpose. The truss type beam is analysed...

Differential Gravitional Forces on Large Space Structures
Effects of the differential gravitational forces have been investigated simultaneously on the orbital motion, attitude motion, and axial deformation of a very large axially flexible space...

The Planar Truss - An Active Control Test Bed
The authors have developed a laboratory planar truss and structural dynamic models which correlate well. The inherent fraction critical damping (? = .004 for the first mode) is very low...

Surgery in the Microgravity Environment
As man becomes more active in space, the possibility of major medical emergencies requiring surgical procedures will increase. Surgery in the microgravity environment involves many challenges...

Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II?Recent Advances in Ground-Motion Evaluation
Ground-motion determination for analysis and design of engineering structures is a shared, interdisciplinary task involving geologists, seismologists, geophysicists, geotechnical engineers,...

Natural Vibrations of Cables in a Flowing Fluid
Cable segments are important components in a wide variety of marine operations. Their nonlinearities are primarily geometric as characterized by large displacements and load-dependent...

Infiltration Wells in the Lakes Around the Future Markerwaard Polder
Drainage and reclamation of the Markerwaard polder in the Netherlands may cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in the eastern part of North-Holland because of subsidence. Drawdown...

Journal of Aerospace Engineering
The Journal of Aerospace Engineering promotes the implementation and development of space and aerospace technologies and their transfer to other civil engineering applications. Topics of interest include...

Manhole Junction Flow
When a sewer surcharges, a basement floods, or sewage overflows, the likeliest source of the problem is sewer junction manholes. Poorly designed ones act as bottlenecks. Study of a few,...

Overview of Factors Involved in the Mexico Earthquakes
The Mexico earthquakes provided many opportunities for learning. New knowledge has been obtained and continuing research will provide additional knowledge. The earthquakes have also demonstrated...

Damage Statistics of the September 19, 1985 Earthquake
Grupo ICA has participated in all stages of the actions and analysis of the effects of this quake aimed at taking advantage of this disastrous experience and has prepared a complete study...

Effects of the 1985 Earthquake in Lazaro Cardenas, Mich.
An account is presented of a geotechnical survey made shortly after the major earthquake of September 19, 1985 (magnitude 8. 1) at the industrial port of Lazaro Cardenas in the state of...

Earthquake Response of La Villita Dam
Due to the recent industrial and housing developments at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, located 13 km (8 miles) downstream of La Villita Dam, at the mouth of the Balsas River, the hazard...





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