Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity and its susceptibility to changes with time or exposure to chemicals are major factors in selection of clay for use in waste containment barriers. Available concepts...

Ion Transfer by Diffusion Through Clayey Barriers
The practical aspects of pollutant migration by diffusion through clayey barriers is presented. The discussion is generally restricted to soils of pH approximately equals 8 which contain...

Erosion of the Slopes of Gold Tailings Dams
A study has been made of rates of erosion from the slopes of gold-residue dams in the South African Highveld region. Data is available for two years at this time and conclusions must therefore...

Waste Concentration Effects of Grout Barriers
Great concern has developed over hazardous waste sites, particularly in the leaching of the hazardous wastes into groundwater supplies. Many sites that are considered contaminated and...

Environmental Geotechnology & Tailings Reclamation
The Department of Energy is responsible, in terms of Federal Legislation, for remedial action work at 24 inactive uranium mill tailings piles in ten states. This paper describes the setting...

Reclamation of Athabasca Oil Sand Sludge
The bulk of oil sand tailings (80 to 90%) consists of quartz sand, which is defined to be everything coarser than 44 microns. The other 10 to 20%, termed 'sludge',...

Fly Ash as a Potential Waste Liner
Earthen liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous materials in ponds and landfills. There is close scrutiny over the durability of liners in contact with various wastes...

Design and Performance Monitoring of Clay-Lined Landfills
The use of thick clay liners has been applied to Wisconsin landfills for over a decade. Currently, there are over 35 solid waste disposal facilities in Wisconsin which have been constructed...

The Effects of Brine Contamination on the Properties of Fine Grained Soils
Laboratory tests have been performed to investigate the effects of brine contamination on grain size distribution, relative density, liquid and plastic limits, hydraulic conductivity,...

Hydrogeologic Investigations at a Superfund Site in Wisconsin
An estimated 10,000 drums of volatile organic wastes from a nearby manufacturing plant were dumped at a landfill site in southern Wisconsin. Chemicals released from these drums have contaminated...

Thickened Slurry Disposal Method for Process Tailings
Common practice in the disposal of process tailings consists of impounding the wastes as thin slurries or suspensions in diked containment areas. Such a procedure poses problems relating...

Water Treatment Plant Sludge as Landfill Liner
Chemical sludge is produced in large quantities during the water treatment processes. The present regulations pertaining to the disposal of solid wastes impose many constraints on any...

Stabilization of FGC Wastes
Presently, flue gas cleaning (FGC) wastes (scrubber sludges and flyash) are produced in large quantities, with future production likely to increase as utilities install additional stack...

Environmental Monitoring and Observations Before and During Excavation of a Landfill in Owatonna, Minnesota
A Minnesota landfill inactive since 1962 was excavated in 1985 to prepare the site for construction of a new waste water treatment plant. The excavation refuse was disposed of in nearby...

Little Bubbles, Big Payoff
Fine poor diffusers often boost the energy-efficiency of aeration in sewage plants by 25-50%. This is important because the combined energy bill of all U.S. municipal sewage plants is...

Dioxins and Human Health
Few environmental issues have attracted as much attention and controversy as the dioxins. Considerable expense has been incurred investigating effects in human populations and laboratory...

Risk Assessment and Public Policy
A governmental official charged with making solid waste policy should be careful not to allow the public policy issue to be defined as the determination of the acceptable level of risk...

The Swedish Dioxin Moratorium
Municipal waste constitutes an energy resource but also an environmental problem. In Sweden emissions of dioxines from waste-to-energy plants have triggered a major debate on environmental...

The National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program
Environment Canada, under the National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program (NITEP), is addressing emissions from municipal energy-from-waste combustion systems. The main thrust...

The Dioxin Situation in West Germany
The public discussion in Germany of the 'dioxin problem' has recently become more rational than it was three years ago. Emotions and hard facts are in a balance...





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