The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Update on Persistence and State of Alaska Activities
The Exxon Valdez incident of 24 March 1989 caused the oiling of over 1,100 miles of Alaskan coastline and over 11,000 square miles of coastal waters. The State responded immediately to...

A Coastal Zone Planning Initiative for Prince Edward Island, Canada
Prince Edward Island is the smallest of the Canadian provinces, situated on the coast of the northwest Atlantic. With no point of land more than 16 km from the sea, the Island can truly...

Regional Coastal Planning and Regulation: The Cape Cod Experience
In Massachusetts, the entire land and water mass of Cape Cod is within the designated coastal zone. Thus, all federal actions affecting this area must be consistent with the state's...

Potential Benefits of Harvest Refugia in Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Waters surrounding the California Channel Islands are managed for many diverse, and apparently conflicting, uses. Generally, activities are permitted that do not threaten long-term resource...

San Diego Bay Eeelgrass Planting and Mitigation
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts to mitigate for the loss of eelgrass and creation of an eelgrass bank to compensate for possible future losses in San Diego Bay....

Factors Influencing the Settlement of California Halibut
California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) is an important species to recreational and commercial fisheries of California. The species typically uses coastal bays and wetlands as nursery...

Restoration of Coastal Dune Systems in Southern California State Parks
Coastal dune systems in southern California possess little of their historical and biological characteristics. If not completely extirpated by development, then the loss of native plants...

Management of Historic and Non-Historic Submerged Shipwreck Resources in California
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages states to establish management programs for historic and non-historic shipwrecks. Conceptually, a management program will consist of a regulatory...

The 301(h) Waiver & the Clean Water Act in Southern California
Throughout the late 1970's and 1980's Los Angeles City and county governments fought the Clean Water Act from being implemented. An amendment to the Clean Water...

Difficulties of Coastal Resources Management in Developing Countries Sri Lankan Experiences
Due to the pressure of overexploitation of coastal resources and use conflicts among the resource users, there is a growing need for integrated coastal management in developing coastal...

Waste Water Disposal from Coastal Communities Economic and Environmental Consequences of Green Politics
As a result of increasing pressure from the European Commission and environmental groups the UK Government announced, in March 1990, that it would no longer allow the discharge of untreated...

Demonstration of Pesticide Best Management Practices for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Monterey Bay Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a grant to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments for the purpose of conducting a two year demonstration project addressing...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

Mercury-Contaminated Sludge Treatment by Dredging in Minamata Bay
To eradicate Minamata disease, caused by sewage containing methyl mercury accumulating in fish and shell-fish through the food cycle, a large-scale sediment disposal project was conducted...

Municipal Harbor Management Plans?A Solution for the 1990's
The concept and application of the Municipal Harbor Management Plan (MHMP) is one borne out of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Program. Harbor management, as a planning 'genre',...

An Evaluation of the Role of Port Administration in Comprehensive Planning and Management of the Canadian Coast?The Example of Vancouver
The current institutional approach adopted to plan and regulate developments in Canada's major ports is assessed. To determine the effectiveness of the Canadian approach,...

Implementation of the North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
Since 1913, The North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) has been responsible for administering the Port of North Fraser. This responsibility is especially challenging because the port is...

A New Panama Canal?
Based upon the 1977 treaty between the United States and Panama and an exchange of diplomatic notes among Panama, Japan and United States, a trinational feasibility study is being conducted...

A Zoning Code Revision for Port Development?The Story of East Providence
The City of East Providence evaluated the effectiveness of the City's 30 year old zoning code and revised performance standards in the zoning text in light of possible marine...

Global Climate Change: Institutional and Policy Considerations
This paper briefly describes research in progress by the authors on the institutional and policy considerations of issues related to global climate change. The aim of the research is to...





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