Computational Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling and Performance Analysis
The availability of supercomputers in the 80's has brought about a revolution in the analysis and design of complex structures. Parallel with this, computers have played a...

Effects on Seismic Spatial Variations to Suspension Bridge Responses
The dynamic soil-structure interaction effects and spatial variations of a seismic motion seem to have significant contributions on the response evaluation of a long span suspension bridge....

Analysis of a CMC Compact Tension Specimen
A cohesive force model is applied to study the stability of fiber failure in a ceramic matrix composite compact tension specimen. By controlling the length of the bridged crack results...

Characterization of Acoustic Emission Signals
Separation of crack growth signals is of fundamental importance for detecting, locating and determining the significance of an internal flaw using acoustic emission techniques. An analytical...

Visualization of the Microstructural Response of Lightly-Cemented Granular Soils Under Uniaxial Strain Conditions
The microstructural response of granular soil under uniaxial strain is being investigated through direct observation of micromotions. Two techniques are being refined to quantify individual...

The Application of Computerized Tomography for Determining Material Properties
X-ray computerized tomography (CT) is an imaging technique that has been used by the medical community for a number of years and is well documented. However, the adaption of this technique...

Cement and Concrete Characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a powerful tool for the microstructural and chemical characterization of cement and concrete. Imaging techniques such as secondary electron, backscattered...

Studies of the Interfacial Properties of Fiber Reinforced Cement
The multiple fiber pull-out tests were conducted with steel wires and alkali resistant glass fiber strand in order to characterize the behavior of interface of fiber and cementitious matrix....

Mechanical Behavior of Composites with Interphases
The effect of interphases on the mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced composites is studied. Two problems, a cracked fiber in a matrix, and a fiber pulled out of a matrix, are discussed....

Theoretical and Experimental Mechanisms of Toughening in Multi-phase Materials
Multi-phase materials are an important class of materials being developed for aerospace primary structural applications. Multi-phase materials are those materials consisting of two or...

Nonlocality of Continuum Approximation of Microcracked Materials
A continuum with nonlocal damage has recently been shown to be an effective approach for the analysis of strain-softening structures. The basic idea is that only the damage, normally caused...

Strain Rate Effects on Pressuremeter Testing
This paper discusses the effect of strain rate on the cavity expansion problem and pressuremeter test. A cuboidal shear device, CSD, was used to perform pressuremeter strain path tests...

A Phenomenological Approach to Physico Chemical Phenomena Coupled with Damage in Massive Concrete
This paper presents the first experiments which have been done to support the bases of a thermomechanical model coupled with damage and to identify the characteristics parameters needed...

Instability and Plastic Flow of Soils
Materials should according to Drucker's postulate become unstable when the second increment of plastic work is negative. Experimental observations however show otherwise....

Modeling of Successive Impacts in Sand
The principal aspects of numerical modeling of successive, high energy impacts in sand are discussed in this paper. These include the numerical formulation used for solution of the equations...

Comparison of a Microscopic Model and a Macroscopic Model Predictions on the Stress-Strain Behavior of a Soil
The stress-strain behavior of a soil under drained triaxial conditions was simulated using the Microscopic constitutive model TRUBAL. The model parameters for the Macroscopic constitutive...

Microscopic Modeling of Shear Strength of Contaminated Soils
The degradation of shear strength of soils due to prolonged contamination of soils is an emerging problem. The experiments conducted at New Jersey institute of Technology showed a gradual...

Constitutive Relations for Granular Solids Accounting for Heterogeneous Deformation Fields
Under high deviatoric stress levels corresponding to large strains, the deformation of granular media is highly heterogeneous. A micro-mechanical approach is developed here to model the...

A Time-Dependent Microplane Model for Creep of Cohesive Soils
The microplane model is used in this paper to describe the time-dependent (creep) behavior of cohesive soils (clays). The constitutive equations are defined on each of a set of microplanes...

Numerical Undrained Cyclic Loading Simulations Using the Discrete Element Method
Three dimensional numerical experiments on random arrays of rough spheres were performed using the discrete element method to study the behavior of granular soil and the results were compared...





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